Train Scene 😊 PART 1

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Harold was peacefully sleeping on the train to Hogwarts. In his dream, he was sleeping soundly when suddenly a loud noise startled him awake.

He looked out his compartment to find a ginger boy and girl arguing outside, both of them covered in ash. Feeling irritated at being woken up, Harold asked them if they were aware that some people were sleeping.

The gingers looked at him with guilt and apologized for disturbing him. "Real sorry- oh, you're the guy whose owl got loose-" The ginger girl covered her brother's mouth using her hand and then noticed the scar on Harold's forehead when he leaned out of the compartment.

From his vantage point, Harold towered over them as they were on the floor, making the scar visible to the girl. She whispered in shock, "Bloody hell... you're Harry Potter?"

"You mean Harold?" Harold corrected them, annoyed by the nickname- seriously, where do they come up with these?

The girl dusted off the ash and soot on her face to make herself look presentable, "Ginerva Weasley and the idiot behind me is unfortunately my brother." she sighed as the boy got enraged. "You take that back!" the boy shouted a bit too loud.

The two bickered for a bit before Harold had to silence them.


Ginerva, or Ginny as she preferred, was chatting with Harold while Ronald's rat, Scabbers, helped himself to some of the snacks they had brought along.

"So," Ronald said, chewing and swallowing his chocolate frog before turning back to Harold, "you're Harry Potter?" Harold let out a sigh. "Harold Potter," he corrected.

The twins exchanged a look before turning back to Harold. "You're not called Harry?" they asked in unison. "Most of my family calls me Harold, except for my cousin. Why?" Harold asked.

"We wizards and witches give nicknames to everyone, like how we call our little brother Ronikins," Ginny chuckled as Ronald attempted to hush her up. Harold couldn't help but hold back a laugh at the nickname.

After a while, their compartment door opened and the three of them turned to see a girl with long, brown, bushy hair.

"Have any of you seen a toad? Neville has lost his," she asked, her tone bossy.

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