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Oh yes this ship is relevant in my AU!!!

Silval... silvikal?.... Regardless it's Silver x Tikal.
So in the beginning when I was getting together my fav ships I kinda just stuck Silver with Tikal and never thought anything of it. BUT THAT WAS ONLY IN THE BEGINNING.
I haven't really talked about either of these characters yet in this book so ima give y'all the spill on each of them.
Silver is number 4 on my favorite Sonic boys list. Though he is the lowest of the hedgehogs doesn't mean I don't like him. He's alright and I've got no problems-the only issue I have is how he  it seems that a lot of people don't take him seriously. Give my boy justice!  It's okay to have  him be silly and naive..not so sharp but there should be a limit. I've seen people turn him into a straight idiot (Which is ok if it's a meme cuz they be funny). Cuz he can be a badass too! when I see AU's that portray him like that I am flabbergasted in a good way. In my own AU he's cautious and still naive, but he's definitely not dumb. I don't like to completely change the characters even if that's what I want. After all they're not mine there Sega's and many people like him how he is...I just like to do a Lil tweekin.

Tikal on the other hand was my original fav Sonic girl so right now is is number two ranked under Blaze. OMG I wish she could come back into the franchise fresh, but noooooo. Maybe she did die in the game of whatever happened (idk..I'll look into that). But Since many people wanna forget about her I will keep the Tikal love strong!  It was love at first sight for me when I was small, she just looks amazing- her design is simple to me but in a beautiful way.

Now both Tikal and Silver to me have gentle souls, which makes be believed they would get along well. They have similar outlooks and views on life and how to deal with things. With Tikal being an earthy girl in my head and Silver caring about the future of the planet it makes sense to be for them to value life tremendously and want the earth to be a better place. To me these two would come up with a way to solve global warming that interests everyone. In my AU Tikal is still a princess of her Echidna clan. She's a leader, but just because she is gentle with the chao and life in general doesn't mean she won't put in her opinions and what she thinks is best. Just because Silver is seen as a pushover doesn't mean he always is.  He as a good hold of his telekinesis as after. In conclusion, this couple is the underdog couple that people tend to look over. There's always a couple as such and that is them if they so happens to choose violence then they definitely can be if there is no other choice.   To me in my eyes they are also seen as the "perfect" couple. They always communicate with each other about everything and always do things in the sweetest way possible. There's never no drama with them and they see other other on a very equal ground.

Their color combination is calming and puts my brain at ease. So very easy going. It just makes everything feel so right about them.You can't tell me otherwise!! Like look at these hearts(if you can)!!!🩵🧡🩵🧡🩵🧡🩵🧡

It sucks the ship isn't very popular and that their isn't much art of it but it is what it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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