Showtime Steve's Plan

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(𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕)

I can't do this anymore. These flashbacks of memories not my own, keep sending my programming off the deep end.

I'm not giving up on bringing Bryan back. But I can't stay here, and keep randomly going berserk on my friends.

When they're occupied, I'll fake having a low batter, and I'll excuse myself, with the lie that I'm going to go recharge, and then I'll sneak off to the sewers.

Hopefully this plan works. I can't keep risking the safety of my friends. This is to protect them.

..And maybe to protect me as well. Pat promised he wouldn't let me get scrapped, but with how much trouble I've caused him, there's no real way he can keep that promise, because if his higher up orders it, he has to abide by it, or risk losing his job, for putting up a fight.

Question is, where do I go? I'd most likely have to go to Freddy Land, as that's the only other location I know of. If I hid out in the human world, I'd be taken to a scrapyard for sure, or someone would report a missing animatronic to a location, and that would spread to other locations.

And my battery dying on me, would do no good.

I'll have to make sure to disable my location setting. So Pat can't track me down.

"You alright there Steve?" Chica asked me, her voice heavy with concern.

I snapped out of my planning phase, and looked Chica's direction. "I'm fine, Chica! Things have just been rough is all." I answered.

"We may not know what it's like, with what you're going through. But, we're here for ya. You know that, right?" Monty asked.

I nodded my head yes. "Of course I know that! And thanks, Monty, Chica, and everyone else for your concern. I'm just trying to cope with everything." I answered.

Roxy nodded her head. "Hey, you up for doing something fun? You could use it, right about now." Roxy asked.

"Sure! What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Well," she began to say. "We could play some golf, in Monty's golf course, or we could go to my race way? Or, we could play "doge ball" with the foam cubes, in the foam pit?" She suggested.

I thought this over. I'd have to time this right. My battery is currently at 88%. If everyone, Pat included, is occupied at the time, I can excuse myself to the charging station.

If we play some golf, then gravitate to the foam pit, and I make sure Pat is dragged into the game, then everyone will be occupied enough.

"Let's play some golf, then play dodge the cubes, by the foam pit." I gave my answer.

Roxy gave a nod of her head. "As his highness, decrees" she said, teasingly. I lightly nudged her.

Showtime Steve Runs AwayWhere stories live. Discover now