~Trans husk lore~

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Hey guys !   So someone said they liked that you guys are getting more lore on husks ex in my trans husk stories ! So this chapter will just be headcannon type things . Basically husks human lore in the trans AU !!

When Husk was in his teens and twenties he worked at his fathers casino as a waitress / waiter .

Husk always had his hair in an Afro .

Husk wouldn't only work as a waitress / waiter , he'd also work as a croupier / dealer .

Husk was born into a super strict christian family .

Husk had around 50+ partners before meeting his ex bf .

Husk only had 2 boyfriends and 1 girlfriend before he started his transition .

Husk was 25 when he started his transition .

Husk met his abusive boyfriend when he was 27 .

Husks abusive ex boyfriends name was  Micheal .

Husks dead name was Nia .

Husk was born into a privileged family .

Husks family was well respected .

When husk gave birth to Malia , Micheal left him alone .

Micheal and Husk had been engaged multiple times . 

Husk was an only child .

Even though husk is an only child , he was his fathers favorite .

Husks father was very protective of husk .

Despite husks dad being a strict Christian he still supported his son .

Husk and Malia had a similar relationship to husk and his father .

When husk turned 17 he started working as a bartender .

Husk got his drinking and gambling addiction when Malia died aka when he was 40.

Husk finally cut micheal off when he was 52 .

Husk and micheal had broken up a month before Malias death  and got back together a week after it .

SA WARNING  (will end at END)

Micheal would manipulate husk into having sex with him .

Micheal would have sex with husk when he was asleep .


Husk died at 68 from a car crash .

Husk went to hell because of vehicular manslaughter.

Husk was given his family casino after his father passed .

Husks family casino sadly closed after his death .

Husks cousin ended up buying the casino before it got destroyed and reopened it .

Okay yall this is the end!!  If you have any ideas I'll update this ! Hope you enjoyed and hope you have a great rest of your day !

375 words

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