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Yellow ! ! ! Okay so this is human au ! ! This is also the trans husk au , so it has a similar lay out as my first story I guess where he has a daughter . I've decided to name her Malia ! In this au she never passed and is 4 ! And if you don't remember the first one shot or didn't bother to read it husk and his abusive ex had a baby and then his ex left him alone with a baby and then he met angel . This will be in the present time instead of the 1930s . Also they are much younger then they are in the first one shot . In this they're in their 20s , Angel is 24 and husk is 27 . Okay so I hope you enjoy !

Husks pov -

Angel will sometimes take trips to Italy to his sister and mother and they take trips to Las Vegas to see us . I've gone on a few of the trips to Italy but not anymore , reasoning ? Malia does NOT like planes . I'd leave her here with my parents but I don't know my father and my mother is far to old to take care of a 4 year old .

I feel horrible not being able to go but I refuse to leave my kid with a nanny , I never had good experiences with nannies . Plus I don't trust a stranger with my baby .

At the moment Malia asleep in my arms while we wait for her father to get off his plane . We got here just a little ago but the little couldn't help but fall asleep . She takes after me , always sleeping , always napping .

We'd be there for a good 30 minutes by now and surprisingly Malia had woken up . She was sitting in the chair next to me as we played card . Ever since she could walk and talk I've been teaching her different card tricks and card games .

After another half an hour of waiting Malia points out her father . I turn around to see him running toward us . " Papa ! " Malia shouted as she ran into his arms . She jumps into his arms and he spins her around .

Angel holds Malia as he walks over to me . I get up and speed walk to him . He'd been gone for a week , a whole week . As I wrap my arms around his neck , him still holding Malia . He sets her down and the fully wraps his arms around me .

Lord have I miss this feeling , I know it had only been a week but that week was the longest week ever . Malia walks over to us and hugs our legs . I look down at her and chuckle a little . I pick her back up , Angel kissing her head .

"I missed you two , I couldn't stop thinking about you guys . It felt wrong for you two not to be there . " I smirk at his remarks , I could tell he meant it though .

When Malia was a baby baby aka when angel first met her , she would sleep through some of the plane ride and the other half she'd be very quiet and calm . But someone had told her about plane crashes which had scared her . Like actually scared her . After she found out about we took her on one more strip to Italy and on that trip she had been gripping onto me the entire time and freaking out .

Both me and angel felt horrible , we didn't want to make her go on those trips if she didn't want to . So now , his family mainly comes to Las Vegas instead of us going to Italy . But of course angel it still gonna go up every once in a while . It is his home .

So I'm summary , of course it's gonna feel weird for his family not to be with him . This was the first time we didn't go as a family . Which I bet hurt him .

" We missed you too, amore . " I give him a gentle kiss to the lips . Just a quick get second kiss . As soon as our lips touch you can here Malia " Ewww ! That's gross ! " She says sticking her tongue out as us . It never fails to make me laugh . She does it when any one does anything other then a hug .

Kiss ? She's disgusted . Hand holding ? Ew . She seems to hate romance , but she doesn't react that to hugs because she loves hugs . It's her favorite thing in the world .

Angel pov -

My two babies , the two looked identical . Well not identical but very similar . Malia was a good combination of husk and husks ex . Luckily enough his ex had blonde hair , which I just happen to also have . Because of this she came out with blonde hair similar to mine . Which makes her look slightly like my kid .

Beside for the hair she is a complete copy of her father . She sleeps like a cat , she has the same face shape , the same smooth skin and the same beautiful curls .

If the hair wasn't different , Malia would look like a young , female , husk . It's adorable . "Okay let's get home , I am very very tired . " I grab husks hand and we walk out of the airport back to the car .

Time skip because I'm lazy 😋

Husks pov -

When we got back to our home we put Malia to bed , she hadn't been able to sleep the night before and was horribly horribly tired . After we had put her to bed me and tony had gone back to our room .

"Come on , let's go to bed . I haven't been able to sleep well the past few days . " I fall onto the bed , falling next to Angie . I cuddle up to angel and shove my head into his neck .

As we cuddled I started to feel my eyes get heavy .   I slowly fall asleep in angels arms .

Um awkward ending 😻 but I hope you enjoyed !   This took a while due to lack of motivation and me going through a silly little depressive episode thing ( I sometimes go through short episodes of depression every few months ) , I am still going through it but decided I might as well end this story since I started it DAYS ago !

1042 words

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