Forever is in the Details part 1

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I'm jolted awake from a deep sleep by Izzy wailing in pain. My heart races as I quickly snap out of my drowsiness. In a panic, I switch on the bedside lamp and turn to find a naked Izzy writhing beside me, screaming in agony into her pillow.

"Baby, what's happening!? Are you okay?" I ask urgently, the fear evident in my voice as she continues to groan in pain. "Iz, you're scaring me. What can I do!?"

"CRAMP!" She manages to choke out through gritted teeth, It's then that I notice her clutching onto her calf, her face contorted in pain. A wave of relief washes over me as I realise the cause of her distress, I honestly thought someone had attempted to murder her.

I quickly pull the covers off us and sit up on my knees, taking charge as I coax Izzy's death grip from around her calf. I begin massaging deeply into her muscle, trying to alleviate the cramp that has caused her so much pain.

"Lie back," I say gently, as I work on the tense muscle. Izzy follows my instructions, her face still contorted in agony. "Shh, it's okay."

"Oh, fuck me." She breathes out, the pain evident in her voice. With a bit of effort, I manage to stretch out her leg, supporting it against my shoulder.

I almost chuckle at the irony that when she's usually in a similar position with me, it's for very different reasons. I swallow down a remark that comes to mind, focusing on helping her as I continue to massage the muscle, trying to provide some relief.

"That was awful. I thought it would never end!" Izzy finally says. "I'm never doing a big stretch again."

"Oooo, big stretch!" I joke back with a smile as I gently straighten out Izzy's leg. She beams back at me, relief evident in her expression. "That all better now, baby?"

"Much better, thank you." She responds with a grateful smile, wiggling her toes as if to confirm the improvement. "You're my hero." She says sweetly.

"And you could be a horror film actress with that screaming!" I playfully accuse and grab at Izzy's ankle, tickling the underside of her feet. She squeals and jerks her leg in surprise, then winces in pain. Oops.

"Don't do that! I just got an aftershock!" She exclaims, and I smile endearingly at her. I resume massaging her calf again, hoping to ease the discomfort from the unexpected cramp.

She eventually starts giggling and I stop my ministrations on her leg. "Are you all done princess? Can I go back to sleep now?"

"All done." She playfully pats the spot next to her where I typically lie and quips, "Get back over here."

I lay down beside her and pull the covers back over us, appreciating the warmth. Izzy shifts slightly, allowing the sheet to fall away from her chest. I watch as she looks down at herself, a playful expression on her face.

"Hmm," she muses, rubbing the top of her nipple. "I can't tell if my nips are hard because it's cold or because I'm turned on." She says with a hint of mischief.

"Cramp turns you on?" I banter back as my arm crosses over her waist and I pull myself closer to her. "You masochist!" I playfully tease, winking at her as she giggles beside me.

"No, you idiot." Izzy retorts with a roll of her eyes, turning her body to face me. Her leg gently rubs up against mine as she continues, "Let's just say you stretching my leg out sent my mind to unexpected places." She says flirtatiously, causing me to grin from ear to ear.

I lean in closer, whispering against her lips, "You are a scoundrel," before kissing her.

She smiles into the kiss, her hands coming up to my jaw as she deepens it with intensity. Before I can react, she flips us over, positioning herself on top of me and moving her hips in a way that sends waves of pleasure through me.

everybody's watching her, but she's looking at you (Leah Williamson au)Where stories live. Discover now