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I'm consumed with nerves as I knock on the door.

"Hello, you!" Amanda greets me brightly as she opens the door, a welcomed surprise. "Come on in, love."

"Sorry to stop by unexpectedly." I add as she ushers me in through the door. "I hope I'm not intruding."

"Don't be silly, you're welcome here anytime." She says with a reassuring hug. "Is Leah still out with Alex?"

We pull away and I begin to take my shoes off. "Yeah, she's having a great time by the looks of it." I smirk to myself thinking to her picture of the trays of pornstar martini's they'd ordered.  "Look, she—uh." I say nervously as I fiddle with one of my rings. "She doesn't know I'm here."

"Right." The older woman says with a hint of concern. "Is everything ok?"

"Yes! Everything's fine I promise." I'm quick to reassure, feeling guilty I've probably panicked her. "I just wanted to talk to you."

Her shoulders relax as she breaks out into a smile and nods towards the living room door. "You get settled on the sofa, I'll make us a cuppa."

"You're a star, thank you." I sigh with a thankful smile. "I'm actually still shaking from the roundabouts getting here." I hold up a hand and show her it's still trembling.

She barks out a laugh. "I'll get you some biscuits too, get some sugar down you."

I'm excitedly greeted by Bella who joins me on the sofa.

"Is Jacob out?" I call towards the kitchen.

Amanda brings in two cups of tea and a pack of biscuits.. "He's actually still in bed. He wants to blame jet lag but I think he's just enjoying being back home and catered to every day." She says with a laugh as she sets the tea down on the coaster.

"If you said he was still hungover from Christmas, I would've believed you."

We discuss Christmas fondly, laughing amongst ourselves at the drunken shenanigans we all got ourselves in. I'm getting a death glare from a certain dog who isn't allowed any biscuits, and I desperately try and ignore her as I guiltily dunk a chocolate digestive into my tea.

"Now." Amanda says after a bit, ready for the conversation. "Is everything alright, love?" She asks with a genuine concern which melts my heart. "You look slightly on edge."

I set the tea down on the coaster and rearrange myself to sit facing her. "Yeah, I'm sorry I don't want to worry you. It's nothing bad I promise." I reiterate. I take a breath and decide to just bite the bullet. "So, you know that Leah and I found a house we both really like, It's the one we sent you a couple of weeks ago." She seems slightly taken aback this is what I've started with as her eyebrows raise as she nods in recognition. "I know she has her reservations about the whole thing, and I know she's spoken to you about it—."

She holds her hand up, guilt written all over her features and I feel awful that I've probably made her feel responsible. "Izzy love, I want you to know I never talked her out of it, I just told her to have a proper think and make sure it's exactly what she wants."

"I know, and you're exactly right in what you said." I almost breathe a sigh of relief as that seems to reassure her, and I reach over and hold her hand. "I've been looking at things from your point of view and I get it. As much as it pains me to say, I know I've put a spotlight on her and her life. I know things have changed massively." I smile at the fond memory of us walking around the house together. "But, when we viewed that house, it was just perfect. You know her eyes lit up, and I could see her envisioning everything as she was walking along."

everybody's watching her, but she's looking at you (Leah Williamson au)Where stories live. Discover now