Ch. XVIII ✡Meeting Of Overlords✡

Start from the beginning

He glances at Vox and Velvette. Was he seriously the only one who wanted to be here? Judging from Vox's aggravated and anxious demeanor, and Velvette's constant eye rolling and scoffs, it makes it clear he had to force both of them to go.

Well, HE likes to think he forced them. In reality, it's tradition that forced everyone to be here.
Whenever word comes out about a new Overlord, all the others gather to introduce themselves, make their empires known, and sometimes give the newcomer a warning to not mess with them unless they want to die.

All fun and games really, he's surprised that he's the only one whose somewhat excited.
This new Overlord could be ANYTHING. A Male, female, someone who can be easily manipulated, or someone who can sniff ill intentions as if breathing in a breath of air.

The theories are endless, and so he has to sit and wait to see which one of his theories is correct. Valentino can't help but feel a little hopeful to see if this new Overlord is someone who can be twisted into a version suitable for his selfish needs.

But it depends on if they got the looks that suit his style. If not, he won't bother. No one wants to buy someone ugly. It's just the truth.

Ahead of the large table where all Overlords are seated, Carmilla walks in and stands in front, her shadow reflecting off the whiteboard that hangs behind her.

Zestial takes his chair beside Carmilla, clasping both hands on top the table, and allowing a soft exhale to escape his lips the moment he sits down.

Carmilla raises an unnoticeable brow glancing towards Zestial's direction. She couldn't help but notice the angry, yet worrisome energy field that Zestial is beaming with. No one else may see it, but she can. And...she knows what the cause is behind this sudden shift in Zestial's mood.

His daughter has refused to come home for days due to the argument between her and Zestial, and the fact that last night, a demon was ranked as Overlord. Something that hasn't happened in decades.

Something that no normal sinner demon is gifted with. One must have power beyond other normal demons, they must be able to hold their own, and make a splash amongst others that a select few are capable of doing.

And...Carmilla can't help but feel a little gnawing in her chest. Something involving the two facts that crossed Carmilla's mind--Y/N's absence and this mystery Overlord--being in some shape and form...connected.

Though until then, she can only silently assume. As to not spread falsity, or to add more worry to Zestial.

As the final Overlord begins to take his seat, Alastor appears in the double-door doorway, one hand behind his back while the other waves in the air, his grin widening as if he has wonderful news to share with everyone willing to listen.

"Greetings!" he says happily, twirling the sudden cane that appeared out of thin air, placing itself in Alastor's palm. It's almost an exact replica of Alastor's older one that was broken due to Adam's attack, though it appears slightly different. This one is a little longer than the past one.

"Alastor," Carmilla says neutrally, not happy or disappointed to him see, just simply viewing him as someone whose just THERE. "I suppose you've heard the news."

"Indeed, in fact!" his smile widens even more, to a point where Carmilla couldn't help but feel a pinch of pain in her cheeks from noticing it. How someone manages to smile that widely and hold it, that is beyond her vase knowledge. It's almost disturbing...

"I have had the pleasure of arriving with her today!" He claims, before smirking at those who began to whisper to each other in surprise.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now