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Start from the beginning

The three sharing looks as Ryan smirked at that, when the elevator dinged reaching floor five, "Gentlemen." Ben said stepping out of the elevator as Ryan chuckled, "Go, Bailey."


The three stepped out when Ryan was immediately paged, "I have to go." He ran off in the direction of where the resident locker room was, quickly changing and going to where he was being paged, "You paged surgery?" Ryan said when seeing a nurse, "Hayley May, 16, diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, tried to claw her eyes out. I need you to clear her before I can take her up to psych."

"She tried to claw her eyes out?" Ryan repeated as the nurse nods his head, "We try to keep her safe." The father said coming towards them, "She's on every med in the book, but she doesn't eat, she doesn't sleep. The slightest thing sets her off, talking even, so we're having her committed." Their father explained as Ryan looked over the parents' shoulders to see the child, "We explained to her that they were coming to get her to try and help. We turned our back for a minute, just for one moment—"

"Oh, my god."

Ryan stepped up when seeing the said girl having a needle in her hand, "Hayley—" Her mother tried, "That's Lorazepam in there." The nurse said as Ryan just looked at Hayley, "I'll do it, I swear to god. I'll do it." Hayley repeated.

"No, baby, please don't." Her mother told her as Ryan watched her ineraction, "Ypu don't believe me. Nobody does. So now, I swear to God, I'll stab myself." Hayley told them, with the needle still in her hand.

"Hayley," Ryan came towards the girl, "I'm Dr Grey. Ryan." He said, "I need you to put that down."

"It'll kill me, right? If I stuck this in my heart, it would kill me, right?" Hayley repeated, "You don't want to do that, Hayley." Ryan reassured her, "Trust me. I can help you."

"I'm not crazy."

Ryan nods his head, "I know— I believe you." Ryan stated, "Everyone outside thinks you're crazy, but something's going on inside, and none of us understand. So we need to figure out what that is, and the only way we—I can do that is if you put that down and let me run some tests." Ryan reassured the sixteen year old, his hand out, "You promise?"

"Yes. I promise." Ryan said stepping closer, "Just put it down, Hayley." Hayley breathed deeply to what she put the needle into his hand, "Good. That's good." The nurse then helped Hayley move back into her bed, "I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy."

Ryan looked back at sixteen year old who looked back at the resident, "Page Shepherd." Ryan then said not moving his eyes off of his patient.


"I'd like to run some more tests on Hayley."

Derek now stands beside his best friend as Ryan's mentor, Arizona Robbins stood on the other side of him, "More tests? Look, we—we've been to doctors, ok? Hayley is schizophrenic. She was diagnosed months ago." Ken explained to them, "Ken's father was schizophrenic. He killed himself when Ken was eight." His wife explained to them.

"Dr Shepherd, it's just a few more tests, and she wants them." Ryan advocated for his patient, "Mr and Mrs May, believe me, I understand your frustration. But it's possible something was missed." Derek explained to Hayley's parents, "Honey, please." His wife begged.

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