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season four, episode thirteen

season four, episode thirteen

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Mark Sloan turns around from where he's sorting out the skin flap with Ryan watching over his attending, when a redhead women comes into the room, "Just coming in to check in on my patient's skin flap," Addison Montgomery told the Plastic Surgeon, "Amazing, right? Pulled a couple of stem cells from the baby in utero, six weeks later, I have grown skin. Like God."

"Nice." Addison complimented as Ryan watched the attending turn to the women, "What do you say we move Dr Grey out of the room and lock that door and tear one off for old time's sake?"

Addison looked at Mark, "This place is exactly the same." She then looked to the intern, "Meredith's brother?" Ryan nods his head, "I am. Meredith's younger brother." Addison nods her head glancing over Ryan's body, "I am seeing somebody." He stated when he made eye contact with the women who glanced at him with eyes he's too familiar with.


"O'Malley! What's up, Party dude?" Dr Stevens questioned when coming over to where Ryan, George and a couple of hungover interns were chatting to one another, "Know what I did last night, George? I googled recipes, I spent the night with a search engine."

George looked at his ex, "Oh, but—that was just—It was so spontaneous." He commented to his ex who nods her head, "I-didn't think you'd want to hang out with interns,"

Izzie looked over George's shoulder at where Ryan was writing down onto Dr Sloan's patient's chart as requested, "Code." A intern said to George fist bumping the second year intern, "Code!"

"Hey!" Lexie came towards them with a pep in her step, "So we're all set for tonight." Izzie from where she stood near George furrowed her eyebrows, "Tonight? What's tonight?" She questioned, "Oh um, the interns. We're just having a little darts tournament thing at Joe's." Lexie stated as some of the interns groaned.

Ryan looked up from his chart, "Oh, my god! I love darts!" Izzie commented to what George said, "Oh, do you wanna— do you wanna come?" Izzie nods her head at the question, "Yeah! Absolutely!"

Ryan looked at his half sister when Dr Stevens walked away from them, "Lex." He groaned when Lexie moved closer to her brother, "You so coded." Lexie then said to George about the resident joining them in on their night.


"Are you seeing anybody?"

Ryan Grey turned his head slightly to see Addison Montgomery standing near to him again, "I am." He stated when he fully turned his head to the redhead women, "I've changed." He told Addison, "I used to before I was even exclusive with a women would sleep with other women, but she's lovely. She's really lovely." He commented about the women he's seeing.

Addison looked at Grey male, "You're like another Mark Sloan," She commented with Ryan making a face at her comment, "I'm not fourty—however old, and—" Addison raised her eyebrows at Ryan's words, "I know guys like you." She commented with Ryan looking at the redhead women, "When a women gives you a little something, you'll start to pull away from the women you're seeing and sleep with them." Ryan opened his mouth to defend himself when nothing came out.

The Montgomery women satisfied with what she said walked away from Ryan, who watched her walk away, a confused expression on his face, "What the hell was that about?"


Ryan moved his food around his plate with his fork, "George!" Lexie stood up from her chair beside her brother when Izzie started to call her best friend's name as well, "George! George!" The resident called out, where Lexie moved closer to her roommate, "Hey! Listen, I am just the messenger." Lexie stated when Ryan ate the food on his plate, "But you should know that people are prepared to drop out of the tournament tonight. Nobody wants to get drunk and play darts with their boss." Lexie reminded George, "You want me to take back the invitation?"

"I'm the messenger." Lexie reminded when Ryan stands up coming towards George and Lexie, "Dude. Nobody and I mean nobody ever wants to get drunk with their boss, so if you don't make Dr Stevens not come, then we will drop out, Ok? We are letting you know now before tonight," Ryan told the second year intern.

Where Ryan and Lexie then moved away from where George stood before he started to go to where his resident friends all sat.


"I think I've been hiding in the clinic." Dr Isobel Stevens admitted when Ryan stood near to the resident, "Yeah? Ok, listen, Izzie," The Grey male looked at the resident, "I've lost the contest. I couldn't hack cardio. I performed CPR on a deer." She stated.

"Izzie!" Ryan tried once again, but failed, "I think I've been hiding," Izzie stated to what Ryan let out a breath, "You can't come play darts with us tonight." Ryan admitted truthfully, "What?"

"Izzie—" the Grey male looked at Izzie, "I shouldn't have to say this. You should get this," Izzie turned to him with her hand on her hip, "Get what?" Ryan let out a breath, "You're not an intern. I'm not a resident. I'm making the best out of it. I'm trying to stop complaining and embrace what I have." He explained to Izzie, "And what I have is friends who don't want to get drunk and play darts with their boss." He stated to Dr Stevens, "And it shouldn't of been me saying this, but I knew O'Malley wouldn't say anything to you, so I needed to do it." He explained to Izzie who looked at him with a slight hurt expression.

"I'm their boss."

Ryan nods his head, "Yes. Yeah, you're their boss." He then said to what Izzie looked at him, "You're in charge. And you should start getting that." Izzie stared at Ryan with something in her eyes that Ryan hasn't seen before, "I've got to go do something."

The Grey male furrowed his eyes when Izzie started to walk past him, stopping when she turned to Ryan with a kind smile, "Thank you for that," Ryan looked at Izzie with a charming smile, "Anytime, Dr Stevens. Anytime." He repeated making Izzie smile once again before she walked off determined.



Izzie saw Ryan with his coat on his arm, "Aren't you gonna be late for your party?" She questioned making Ryan look at her, "I'd blow them off but Lexie's there and—" Izzie nods her head, "I know. It's okay." She stated making Ryan look at the resident, "I get it. I don't have to like it, but I get it. So, go. Go code or whatever." She said making a smile come over Ryan's lips.

"You know, whenever anyone says something really funny and I laugh, I always look around to see if you think it's funny too." He replied, "Even-even when you're not there, I still look around." He said as Izzie stared at the intern, "Are you doing anything tonight—?"

"I'm seeing someone." Ryan stated out loud after Izzie finished off her question, "I'm sorry, Izzie, it was fun what we had, but I—" Izzie nods her head understanding what Ryan was saying, "Go."

He looked once more at her when he walked away from Dr Stevens going towards the elevator pressing the button as it opened seeing Derek in the same elevator as his sister, Addison and Sarah, "I bet you wish you took the stairs right about now," He commented to Derek about all the women he's seen all being in the same elevator as him.

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