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"I Love You Too,"

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"I Love You Too,"

Ryan looked from behind Izzie Stevens from his childhood home front door after Izzie had called him over to hook up, seeing George O'Malley, a second-time intern that not one of his fellow interns knew about expect from him and Lexie, "Um,"

Ryan ran a hand through his messy hair not having his black shirt on that he had discarded when making out with the blonde resident, "Later dude," Ryan pats the second-time intern's shoulder turning back when he stood in the doorframe smiling charmingly at Izzie, "See you at the hospital?"

Izzie just nods her head to Ryan's words as the male's smile widened, closing his childhood front door behind him where he sees Meredith outside, "Ryan? Are you moving back home?"

Ryan slipped his jacket on, "I am not moving back home, I was only here because Izzie called me for a booty call then O'Malley ruined it," he replied not seeing his sister's disgusted look.

"Ryan, just move back home,"

The Grey male chuckled, "I am not moving back into that house because the only memory I can remember is the last time I was here, Mom gave me an ultimatum between the football scholarship or going to med school, she kicked me out, Meredith,"

Meredith looked to her brother, "Mom died a year ago, Ryan," his eyes saddened, "Oh, I um—" He cleared his throat, shaking his head, "I need to go,"

He moved past his sister and towards his 2007 audi and driving away from his childhood home not seeing his older sister watch as her brother drove away.


"Rooms one and seven are private and should be used for private conversations with patients, not for closed-door socialising." Miranda Bailey spoke as Ryan and Lexie followed after the women writing in their notepads. "All carts are set up the same. Memorise where everything is."

"Will be able to do on our own?"

"No." Miranda stated to the two interns, "You are interns. You are in charge of nothing. All procedures will be discussed and overseen by an upper level. All charts will be signed out by an upper level. And all patients will be looked at by someone other than you!" Miranda reminded the two Grey's.

Lexie looked at Miranda, "And what if.." she nudged something off of the cart, "Ooh! I'm sorry." Ryan looked down to his half sister, "Uh, I, uh, sorry. What if we can't find anyone?"

Miranda looked up at Ryan who only smiled at the women who stood in front of them.


Ryan walked past a hallway hearing a loud crash walking toward where the sound came from seeing Alex Karev laying face first against the cold floor, "Dr Karev! Someone get me a stitch kit!"

He helped the resident up onto the waiting chair gently slapping the resident's cheek to wake Dr Karev up as he got the stitching kit where Meredith comes into the room along with the nurse, "Ryan, what are you doing?"

Ryan looked to his older sister, "I just um, he was passed out on the floor, looked like someone punched him, he needs stitches on his head," Meredith nods her head at her brother's statement, "Okay, I can do the stitches,"

He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he saw the nurse handing Meredith the kit, walking out of the hospital room and towards the clinic area, running a hand through his brunette hair seeing Izzie again, "Hey,"

"Hi, how's clinic duty going?"

Ryan looked over seeing that the clinic was a bit quiet, "It's not to bad, though, I would rather be stitching Dr Karev's head rather than being here," Izzie looked at the intern, "Did you just say someone is stitching Alex's head? Why?"

"Um, it looked like someone punched him and knocked him out. And on the way to the ground, he hit something," He explained to the resident who nods her head, "He's with Meredith, she's doing the stitches,"

"Dr Grey."

Ryan sees from where her standing Lexie approaching his older sister who wants nothing to do with Lexie and her family, "I gotta go," Izzie watched as Ryan moved past her and towards where Lexie and Meredith were talking, "Meredith," Meredith looked to her brother, "don't talk to Lexie like that, all she wants to do is get to know you."

Meredith collected her things from the nurse's desk she was standing at, "Please, just stop making it so difficult for me not to know you." Ryan rolled his eyes as his sister walked away.

"Lex," Ryan looked to his half sister, "just leave her, ok?" Lexie looked to her half brother, "I am a nice person. Ok? I am, I am someone people should know." Ryan looked at her, "We have the same dad."

He looked at his watch seeing the time, "Lexie, I need to go and see my patient," He told his half sister who just nods her head, "okay, um—bye,"

"I'll talk to you later,"

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