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season six, episode twenty

"Is that Thomas Evans from Baylor?"

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"Is that Thomas Evans from Baylor?"

Jackson Avery questioned Meredith when him, April, Caitlin, Callum and Ryan all made their way towards the Grey female, "Yes, but don't get too excited. He's only here for one case." April then looked to Meredith, "Oh, are you sure?"

The group all furrowed their eyebrows at April's comment, "Because I overheard Chief Shepherd discussing the fact that Dr Altman doesn't have a permanent contract. So, it would actually be a really genius move on the Chief's part to go in and—"

"Here we go again." Caitlin said, making the group all sigh at April's obvious crush on the Chief who happened to Ryan's brother in law, "What?" Meredith then asked Caitlin and the group, "Shut up." April said to her Mercy West friend.

Meredith then looked at the small redhead, "She thinks your husband walks on water." Jackson stated as Callum who stood beside the shorter redhead, nod his head, "I don't." April denied, "I don't. I—" April repeated, "I mean, it's a professional thing. It's a mentor thing." April tried to defend herself, "He's just my mentor because he's—he's married to you."

Meredith looked at her younger brother who shook his head with a smile at April's nervous ramble, "Wow." Callum said, stuffing his hands into his lab coat, "I, um, I do think that your husband is brilliant, but I'm-I'm sure that you think that, too, so—" Ryan just chuckled at Meredith smiled at the rambling resident.

"Thanks for that, April." Ryan stated when the redhead walked past the group making Ryan look at his sister who looked back at him.

Caitlin chuckled as she took Ryan's hand and lead away the Grey male away, who now walked alongside the Anderson female.



Cristina approached the group of residents, "Have you seen Evans? It was amazing. Who saw?" The cardio resident exclaimed looking at her fellow residents, "Dude," Alex said when looking at Cristina, "you're like a kid with trading cards, except with heart surgeons." Alex stated as Ryan chuckled.

Caitlin shook her head with a smile at the Karev male's response, "Yeah, I gotta have 'em all." Cristina said, eating from her fork, "I thought Teddy was the love of your life." Meredith then said as Ryan sipped on his drink.

"She is but—" Cristina said with a mouth full of food as Caitlin who sat next to the Cardio resident, scrunched her nose up, "Evans? Brilliant. I mean, brilliant. I mean, so is she. But I love them both. I'm a cardiothoracic whore." Ryan choked on his drink.

Callum who sat beside his friend pats Ryan's back who nods his head at his friend, making the Ritchie male stop slapping his back, "What can I say? It feels so good." Meredith then looked around at the group, "Speaking of whores, has anyone seen the love struck intern fawning over my husband?"

Callum then furrowed his eyebrows, "April's not an intern." He clarified as Meredith gave the Ritchie male a look, "You bat your eyes like that, you're an intern." Meredith said, going closer to Callum as Ryan chuckled at the expression on his friend's face.

"Okay, let's back away from Callum, Mer." Meredith did as her brother said, moving away from the Ritchie male, "Don't worry. That's not Derek's thing." Cristina said to what the residents all looked at Cristina, "Anymore." She then added.

Ryan shook his head, "Meredith, don't worry about April, it's nothing more than a crush, okay? He married you, and he'd be stupid to break what you two have," He admitted to his sister who played with her yogurt, "I was the love struck intern. It is his thing."

"No," Ryan shook his head, "He's grown out of it." Cristina nods her head at what Ryan said, "Exactly, listen to your brother, Meredith." The cardiothoracic resident said, "Out of what? Chicks who shave their legs and laugh at his jokes? Sure he's grown out of it." Alex said to his friend, looking at Meredith.

"I shave my legs." Meredith defend looking at Alex, to what Caitlin and Cristina then looked at the Grey female, who admitted, "Sometimes."

Alex shrugged his shoulders, "You could always call him Chief Shepherd." He admitted as Ryan then makes a face, "Ew! That's my sister," Ryan said as Alex ate his watermelon, "I don't make the rules. I'm just telling you, it's a thing. Powerful guys like adoring girls."

"Oh, my—" Caitlin laughed at what Alex said, "It's true." The Karev male defend as Ryan shook his head, eating his fruit on his plate.


Ryan laid beside Caitlin in the on-call room bed after she had paged the male Grey to the Peds on-call room that the two would usually go into, "What do you think about what Alex said?"

The Male Grey turned his head facing Caitlin, "What about the powerful guy thing?" Caitlin hummed as she turned her whole body turning to look at the Grey male, "I think that most girls do like powerful guys," He admitted to the redhead, "Like the girls with daddy issues, it could even be the guys as well, liking powerful women," He added looking at Caitlin, "I like a powerful women,"

Caitlin smirked, "Oh, do you now?" Ryan hummed, as he grabbed ahold of his scrub top from the on-call room floor, "Powerful women are sexy, and independent, and who doesn't love a independent women?" Ryan said with a smirk, sitting at the edge of the on-call room bed, sliding his scrub top on.

He then remembered that he needed to speak to April about her little crush on Derek, "Do you think that Derek will go after April?"


Ryan sighed, "I don't want my sister to be hurt, she's already had a hard enough time with Derek before they got married, So I am asking do you think he'll destroy his marriage and go after our friend?" Ryan questioned looking at Caitlin, sighing, "I just don't want him going after April because she likes him,"

Caitlin shook her head, "Derek wouldn't do that." Caitlin added making Ryan let out a breath, "He wouldn't do that, and if he did, then he's a idiot," Caitlin said, reassuring Ryan who stands in front of the on-call room bed all dressed in his scrubs, "I already had a fight with him when I came here, I don't want to have another one with my now actual brother-in-law."

Caitlin smiled at the male Grey, "I love how protective you are over your sisters. It shows how much you care." Ryan looked back at the redhead, "I didn't have anyone protecting me, I mean, Meredith sometimes would, but she couldn't really beat up a thirteen year old when she's six years older, she'd be put in jail," Caitlin chuckled at Ryan's words, "A man should always protects his family when needed. That's what my best friend's family taught me, and I always stand by that. No one hurts my sister." He clarified, as Caitlin looked at the Grey male from where he stood in front of the bed.

"Well, your best friend's family sounds smart,"

Ryan half smiled, "They was." His smile faltered as Caitlin saw his expression fall, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Ryan." The Male Grey shook his head, "Like I said, a man always protects his family and that's what my best friend did for me, he protected me,"

"Ryan, I—" before the redhead could say anything else, he exited out of the on-call room not wanting to think about his best friend's death again.

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