"Ugh, I can't. How can I face them after failing them all so hard?" Alastor repositions himself onto his stomach and kicks his legs in the air.

"They came here to be saved and all I gave them was more pain." I stand up from the bed and sit next to her as she leans her head on my shoulder. She begins to tear up. "I'm just as bad as the cruelest Overlord in Hell. And maybe worse." Alastor moved his head close to hers, of course, he thought he was the cruelest overlord. Charlie stands up quickly and starts pacing. "At least they don't go around giving false hope."

"Well, I never expected to see such a miserable display of self-loathing from you."

"Oh, fuck you, Alastor." I chuckle at her tone to Alastor. "All you do is stand there, smiling while you watch us struggle and fail. I don't know how you can enjoy all this suffering so much." Alastor stands up in an instant and wraps his fingers on Charlie's shoulder.

"Just because you see a smile don't think you know what's going on underneath." He has a good point... put on a smile and everyone will think you're okay, "A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you're the one in control." That's why he smiles he wants control.

"But I'm not." Charlie walks towards the window and I sigh. Alastor touches my shoulder as Charlie continues, "I'm the farthest thing from in control. The person I trust most has been lying to me for years. Heaven refuses to listen." She puts her fists against the window. "Even if they did, I can't prove the hotel works. has an invincible exorcist Army pointed right at my doorstep and there's nothing I can do about any of it!" Alastor lets go of my shoulder and widens his

"I know something you don't know."


"Those big, scary angels are not quite as indestructible as they seem."

"What are you talking about

"Just that you and your little band of misfits might stand more of a chance than you think." Hey I'm not that big of a misfit!

"How? I'll do anything."

"Anything? Then... let's make a deal."

"Uh no nope! No deals Alastor we talked about this!" I walked up to him and stared into his eyes.

"Not for her soul! Heavens, no. All I need from you is one itty-bitty favor. What's a favor between friends?" I growl a little as Charlie stays close to me.

"I won't hurt anyone for you."

"Who's asking? One favor, at a time of my choosing, where you harm no one. In return, I tell you what I know. Do we have a deal?" Razzle and Dazzle growl and Charlie puts her hand down stopping them. They flew over to me, Alastor I love you but I am gonna be pissed.

"Deal." The room turned green in a ghost-like aura flashed. The bedroom door slammed open and Alastor let go of Charlie's hand.

"Right on cue!" He walks over towards me and puts his hand on my shoulder again but this time he pulls me into his chest.

"What did you do?"

"Vaggie, Stop!" Charlie stood defensively

"What?" She drops her spear down to her side. "No, Charlie, please tell me you didn't--"

"I made a deal with Alastor."


"Oh, calm down. She still owns her soul. My little darling here would never let that happen." Yeah, I would never also we made a deal so he can't ever touch her soul.

"He gave me info that can save the hotel, but we're going to need help. The angels can be defeated, and Carmila Carmine is the key."

"What? Carmilla Carmine?"

"She killed an exorcist in the last extermination. She knows how they can be harmed." Oh shit... she killed one and kept the info to herself wow.

"But... I-- I didn't even know that was possible."

"If you did, would you have told me?" Yeah bitch would you?

"Charlie, I--"

"I need you to go to her, convince her to teach us. If she can, we might have a chance." Maybe we do have a chance

"With just the seven of us?" Vagina shut up stop bringing her hope down!

"No, we're-- ugh, we're going to need numbers too." Alastor interrupts the lover's quarrel

"And I know just who can help. As long as Charlie can be her normal, charming self."

"What's that you said about smiles?" Alastor smiles widely and he takes my hand and walks us out of the room. I turn to him with a ticked-off face.

"You fucking cun-"

"Darling!" He shushed me from swearing, the first time he's done that. "Now we are going to see a friend of mine."


"Her name is Rosie"

So it's a deal thenWhere stories live. Discover now