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Hailee's POV

The past two weeks leading up to the Vanity Fair has dragged. I haven't heard from [Y/N] since the banquet and I've distracted myself with work in order to refrain from reaching out to her. There isn't much time out of my day that she isn't on my mind but, somehow, I've been managing.

Despite my fans crowding my comments with guesses on whether 'Haunted' was written about me, I haven't been as emotional as I expected to be. The majority of them are convinced [Y/N] wrote it about me and, it's safe to say, so am I.

"This is 100% about Hailee. My HEART"

"If someone wrote this about me, I'd marry them."

"There's no way this is about Hailee. It could be about anyone... who's to say [Y/N] really wrote the whole thing by herself??"

I roll my eyes at the comment because I know [Y/N] is capable of writing anything she chooses to. A sonnet, a song, a letter. She's the best writer I know. I replay the song for what feels like the one hundredth time and realize "I wish we never met" is a lyric.

I begin to wonder if she truly feels that way.


[Y/N]'s POV

I'm unsure how I managed to receive an invitation to the Vanity Fair but I can't complain.

Although the past few weeks with Marvel have ran smoothly, they have been rather busy. The workload is something I'm still adjusting to but Nicole assured me that it becomes second nature the longer I'm with the company. Of course, if I'm capable of landing a Screenwriter position in the future, I could possibly have an Apprentice to juggle some of the load for me.

"Nervous at all?" Nicole asks as we near the party.

I move my gaze from the car window to look at her. "Not exactly. I've walked a few red carpets so I assume it'll be similar."

Nicole smirks at my response. "Warner Brothers is an incredible company but things might seem quite... intense now that you're with Marvel."

I nod as I listen to her insight. Still unsure as to how intense things could get, I allow her to continue.

"Not to mention the fact that you've been songwriting..." She adds, scrolling through her emails.

My heartbeat quickens at the idea of my boss listening to the songs I've written and co-written for The Band Camino. I'm unaware of whether or not Nicole and Nia know about my previous situation with Hailee but the attention I've gotten over 'Haunted' has kept me off social media.

Frankly, I don't care whether or not Hailee's fans like or dislike the music.

"It's just something I like to do on the side." I respond, avoiding eye contact by looking out the window again. "The boys are cool and it's not really about the money or attention."

"It's about our Gwen, isn't it?" Nia smiles from the front of the transfer.

I feel my face flush at the mention of Hailee's 'Spiderverse' character.

"Easy, Nia." Nicole warns, shaking her head. "That's none of our business."

"Okay, true." Nia agrees. "I really like the music though."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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