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Roughly 45 minutes after Hailee leaves the hospital, I receive my paperwork to be discharged. "You need to ensure that you rest the next few days." The nurse informs me in a serious tone. "Your mom mentioned your college graduation so we want those stitches to heal as smoothly as they can before then."

I scribble my signature onto the paperwork and look up at her, confused as to when they managed to stitch my wound. She smiles at me. "We stitched you up upon arrival while you were unconscious. It's better than being awake for it."

I nod in agreement and hand her the clipboard. "Thank you."

The ride back to Thousand Oaks consisted of half the team discussing the game and everything that took place the minute I fell unconscious. The other half fell asleep due to such a long day.

I rest my back against the cold window of the bus and look over at Alissa. "The girls were nervous wrecks when you hit the ground." She says, shifting in her seat to look at me. "Dallas, Lauren, and Hailee were next to you within seconds. By the time the rest of us noticed, Hailee was already making phone calls." She adds.

I close my eyes, imagining the scene.

"Of course, while the phone calls we're being made, Dallas was the only one who knew to elevate your head. Apparently her mother is a nurse so she learned a lot from her while growing up. The medics took over once they reached you but she stayed next to you the whole time. Well, as close as she could." Alissa informs me.

I open my eyes to look over at her. The highway lights continue to dance through the windows, illuminating her face every few seconds.

"Listen." She continues, lowering her voice so our teammates can't hear. "I want what's best for you, I do. You're my best friend and I'm always going to support you in your decisions and provide any advice I can give that could be in your best interest."

I don't say anything because I have a feeling I know what direction this conversation is headed in. "I care about Hailee and I care about Dallas. Lauren told me Dallas has spoken to her about the tension between you and Hailee. It's been brought up more than once." Alissa says, hesitantly.

I look away from her and lean my head back against the window. The unwelcome guilt sets in again.

"I know you don't want to hear any of this but Dallas cares about you, [Y/N]. More than you probably know because I know your mind has been on someone else." She pauses. "But she chose in March. She chose him."

My heart sinks as the truth sets in. What makes this conversation worse is that I know Alissa wouldn't say all of this to me unless it truly needed to be said. I shake my head as the things I've tried so hard not to admit to myself, finally reach me.

Alissa crosses the aisle to sit next to me. "I understand there aren't many people like her — she's a celebrity. But you can't let her lifestyle and inability to see your worth dictate how you carry yourself. It's not fair to Dal-"

"You don't understand. Hailee has said things and she admitted to things. I- I don't..." I trail off, trying to make sense of what I'm trying to say.

"[Y/N], just because I said she chose him doesn't mean she doesn't care about you. She chose wrong." Alissa says, shaking her head. "I just think, in some way, she's wanting her lifestyle but is infatuated with the idea of having ours."

I take a deep breath. "I care about Dallas. She's been nothing but good to me and I've been nothing but truthful about how I feel about her. I just know I haven't been all in with her and I feel awful for that." I admit.

Alissa places her hand on my shoulder. "Well, the good thing is that you're self aware and we all know your intentions are pure. Maybe that's what happens when you have a big heart — you can't help but place your admiration in numerous  places."

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