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Hailee's POV

Realizing I didn't get much sleep the night before, I begin to yawn as I stand backstage at The Voice. Under different circumstances, I wouldn't mind performing 'Back to Life' but I've been dreading this performance since I woke up this morning. It hurts to miss her.

"Now, she's an Academy Award-nominated actress and multi-platinum music superstar singing 'Back to Life,' a single from the upcoming film 'Bumblebee' — which, of course she also stars in. Give it up for Hailee Steinfeld!" Carson Jones Daly announces.

Here we go...


[Y/N]'s POV

I begin to pack for the group's trip to UCLA.

My mind hasn't moved from her but I can't allow myself to reach out when I know I shouldn't. Ever since last night's conversation, I feel as though we're truly focusing on our own paths and whatever happens, happens. There's more uncertainty when Hailee comes to mind — now, more than ever.

Folding clothes into my suitcase, I hear my phone vibrate a few times from the nightstand. Walking over to it, I find messages from the groupchat.

LAUREN: Hailee, your performance was amazing! Happy Birthday in advance!💗

MEREDITH: Yesss! I still can't believe you're turning 22 while on a plane... without ME. Happy Bday💕

ALISSA: Hold on, she's leaving?

I shake my head and smile at Alissa's comment. She's never one to keep up with anyone else's schedule.

HAILEE: Thank you! I love you guys💗

HAILEE: & yes, I fly to Hong Kong tonight. I'm headed to the airport now :(

I place my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants and make my way downstairs. Entering the living room, I begin to straighten up the area from where I spent a few hours reading on the couch today. Anything to get my mind off of her.

Grabbing my book and placing it back on my bookshelf, I notice the thin space of emptiness on the second shelf where my copy of Dickinson poems used to be. I pause and allow myself to feel sad, but only for a moment.

My phone begins vibrating and I reach into my pocket to find an unsaved number requesting to FaceTime. My shoulders relax when I notice "Maybe: Alicia Riley" located underneath the number. I haven't had a single conversation with Renee's sister unless you count the numerous times they would say 'hi' to me at Mount Vernon.

Answering the call, I wait for the screen to load.

"Hey, you!" Alicia smiles.

I can't help but smile at how it feels as though I'm speaking to Renee. I can barely tell the two apart. "Hey, I feel like this is the first time we've really spoke."

"Oh, it is." Alicia smiles. "It took me seven deep breaths to call."

I smile at her honesty and shake my head. "Right." I laugh. "What's up?" I begin to walk towards the kitchen.

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