Chapter 5

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It was only 12:30pm when the phone rang in the Sully household luckily Jake had been at home when the call came through since he was on leave making sure to be available at all times just in case anything happened, and he needed to pick up his granddaughter, Neteyam had called him earlier asking if he was going to be able to fetch Amari after school since he became extremely busy in the clinic. He hadn't been expecting to drive to his granddaughter's school earlier then their designated home time, he was trying to keep within the speed limit worried as he made his way to Amari's school. All Jake knew as he was driving was that they had been playing on the playground that ended up with Amari, her desk mate (who he didn't know, nor has he met the desk mate) and another little boy whose parents already picked him up, at the nurses office waiting for their respective parents to pick them up. The boys were playing near where Amari and Amaia had been sitting and one of the boys had a glass bottle that they dropped near the girls due to the rough play and it had broken into pieces. The said boy, Anewa had panicked since it was a brand-new glass bottle that his mom had gotten for him and specifically told him not to take it to school was apologizing profusely to Amari and Amaia. All three of them were picking up the pieces of the glasses with they're bare hands which led to them to getting cuts on their palms and crying from the three of them considering that it really hurt, at the time the teacher was not near them in the playground.

They were rushed to the infirmary for the nurse to tend to their cuts which luckily were not very deep but still was painful and although it was difficult to calm down two five-year-olds and a six-year-old the nurse was able to tend to their cuts and decided to call their parents. Anewa's mother had already picked him up when Jake arrived at the school making his way to the nurses' office in order to pick up Amari after he got her backpack from Norm. He was mildly surprised when the nurse informed him that Amari didn't want to go until her best friend goes home too, she didn't want to leave her all alone waiting for her dad to pick her up. Jake was more than happy to wait for her best friend to be picked up as long as they all waited together if it was something that was allowed by the school and more importantly the nurse since it was her office which she happily agreed.

When he walked into the infirmary where to little girls were sitting together in one bed near the back of the room exchanging lunch since their lunch bags which had their lunches was the only thing that they had when going to see the nurse. Amari looked up and saw her grandpa she squealed and jumped down the bed and ran to hug him "Grandpapa!" she said with the biggest smile on her face from ear to ear "What are you doing here? Is dad coming? Where's grandmama?" jumping up and down from joy at seeing her granddad. "Woah slow down baby blue junior, I'm here to pick you up because your dad got a little stuck at work and asked the school to call me and grandmama is working today so I'm here little peanut. I heard from the nurse that you wanted to wait for your friend to also get pick up so I was wondering that maybe I can wait with you and her instead of all alone grandpapa missed you so much." Jake said squeezing Amari and kissing her chubby cheeks while she giggled at the ticklish feeling. "I missed you to grandpapa, come meet my friend, her name is Amaia Tangaroa, she's my desk mate and my best friend", Amari said excitedly dragging Jake towards the bed where Amaia. Jake knew Amaia from what Tonowari had told him about his first granddaughter considering that they both were very close friends that went way back to the days when they were bunkmates in the military until now.

Jake owned an architect business that worked closely with Tonowari's business being one of their clients and vis versa, however Jake had never seen Tonowari's granddaughter, and he had never shown pictures to him of Amari either when he thinks about it not knowing why. However, he did not expect to be looking at an exact copy of his granddaughter only with amber-gold eyes he even looked between the two subtly to see that he was truly seeing doubles with different eye colour. "Amaia this is my grandpapa he's baby blue senior and I'm baby blue junior. Grandpapa this is Amaia, she's really shy and quiet and super nice." this broke the trance that Jake was in and gently waved at the girl who seemed absolutely terrified at Jake which made his heart drop a little. "Hey Amaia, I'm Jake, Amaia's granddad, also I'm really close friends with your granddad actually Tonowari, we go way back, we've been best friends for a long time." Jake said very gently as to not scare her more and wondered how Tonowari will react when he sees Amari. Luckily the girl relaxed a bit for the next minute or two Amari and Amaia were talking to each other occasionally asking Jake what was like when he first started school and how him and Tonowari became friends.

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