Chapter 2

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7:30am and Ao'nung had a crazy morning luckily, he works from home majority of the time in marketing and sales, but he always went to the office just in case he was needed and only stayed home if he needed to (most of the time its to spend time with Amaia). This was convenient since today was Amaia's first day at school and he didn't need to be by the office by 8:00am which worked in his favour has he dropped off his daughter straight to her class holding back the tears. Amaia was trying to be strong too, she was extremely anxious, shy and scared not wanting her dad to leave her aloe as she genuinely thought that she was going to school with her dad, but after her dad gently explained it to her, as he was helping her get ready. She widened her eyes and said she didn't want to unless her dad was going with her the whole day to her classes and began to tear up a little bit, was she clingy, absolutely when it came to her dad since she loved him dearly and loved being around him along with the family, and Amaia dearly admired her dad. The thought of being in a new environment without her dad by her side was terrifying but she was trying to be his brave little girl even if it meant being away from her dad until 13:30pm when schools out, she doesn't remember the last time she's been away from her dad or her family for a matter of fact. Its 7:30am, Ao'nung pulled into the school and was getting ready to leave the car with Amaia and walk her to her class although she was terrified deep down, she was a little excited to start learning though even if meeting new people made her nervous.

Currently Ao'nung was walking down the corridors of the school holding Amaia's hand smiling as he walked towards her class passing by other parents with their children somewhat excited and scared to be dropped off by their parents and left at school. Amaia squeezed her dad's hand tight feeling extremely nervous about the many other children and adults that she sees on the corridors making their way to their respective classes and giving their children tearful but encouraging goodbyes. It wasn't only the children that cried some parents had tears in their eyes even if they were holding back excited but anxious about their child's new chapter in life, wondering where all the time has gone their children growing up so fast. They got closer and closer to Mr. Spellman's first grade classroom; this was her homeroom teach Ao'nung had gotten the message and classroom number of Amaia's class the day before when the school sent out emails to the parents informing them of which class their children were in and what to bring for the first day of school.

Mr. Norm Spellman was her teacher for the year for nearly all the subjects that were needed as it was easier for the children to have one consistent teacher than more than one it would get confusing for them. Norm was nothing short of a sweetheart who had moved from teaching eighth graders to teaching first graders and had come highly recommended in the last school that he was teaching in, and students absolutely adored him for his kindness and his excitement to teaching was contagious. All the parents knew that he was a reliable teacher, and their children were in good hands, knowing this it had put their minds at ease and if anything were to happen, they know that the school will contact them immediately. Ao'nung on the other hand respected Mr. Spellman and was happy with the fact he was a great teacher, especially with the recommendations but this did not make Ao'nung ready to leave Amaia at school alone. Although he didn't want to leave her as he got closer to the classroom, he didn't have much of choice but to take her to school since homeschooling wasn't an option. 

Mr. Norm Spellman was her teacher for the year for nearly all the subjects that were needed as it was easier for the children to have one consistent teacher than more than one it would get confusing for them. Norm was nothing short of a sweetheart who had moved from teaching eighth graders to teaching first graders and had come highly recommended in the last school that he was teaching in, and students absolutely adored him for his kindness and his excitement to teaching was contagious. All the parents knew that he was a reliable teacher, and their children were in good hands, knowing this it had put their minds at ease and if anything were to happen, they know that the school will contact them immediately. Ao'nung on the other hand respected Mr. Spellman and was happy with the fact he was a great teacher, especially with the recommendations but this did not make Ao'nung ready to leave Amaia at school alone. Although he didn't want to leave her as he got closer to the classroom, he didn't have much of choice but to take her to school since homeschooling wasn't an option. It was not an issue of Ao'nung being a bad father and not wanting to send his daughter to school, he was protective of Amaia since she was extremely shy around people and often start to hyperventilate in social situations where all eyes were on her. Amaia was a quiet shy child, who mostly kept to herself reading books or colouring in something with beautiful bright colours enjoying nature, she was only confident around her family but anyone new she had extreme difficulty talking to them or say hi (early stages of social anxiety).

Ao'nung had already informed Mr. Spellman about Amaia, and the teacher had promise to watch out for her, and he promised that she would only have one other person sitting with her instead of sitting at a table of four. Ao'nung was truly grateful for this and had apologized for any inconvenience it might have had but Mr. Spellman assured him it didn't at all, he wanted to make sure all the children were comfortable especially on their first day. Walking side by side holding her hand Ao'nung and Amaia finally reached Mr. Spellman's classroom where other parents were also saying goodbye to their children giving them hugs, kisses and words of encouragement. Some children were happy while some children were crying because their parents were leaving them even some parents were holding back tears as well leaving their child behind. Ao'nung being one of those parents holding back his tears having to leave his baby girl alone at school, but he knew she would be ok and hoped and prayed that her desk mate would be kind, patient and eventually, hopefully become best friends. 

They stop by her classroom not directly in front of the door because it would block the children from entering the classroom, Mr. Spellman standing off to greet the parents and the children as well as answer any questions that the parents might have for him. Ao'nung took Amaia, bent to her height to cheer her up a bit and wipe away her tears that were staining her chubby cheeks, anxious about her first day at school away from her best friend, her dad. "Hey, no its okay my little sun, don't cry its going to be okay my sunflower I promise, I already talked to Mr. Spellman and you're sitting with only one other desk mate. From what I heard she is a sweetheart, very kind, and patient, so it will be okay, take your time opening up to her, remember if you can't say it out loud write down okay, I made sure to pack you some blank flash cards to write on. I promise to come pick you up after school, we can get some ice-cream and do whatever you want, be as brave as you can be today ok?", Ao'nung said as he wiped Amaia tears remaining calm so that she does feel his distress and cry harder it would shatter his poor heart.

He fixed the collar of her school uniform, which was a white short-sleeved dress shirt, a deep blue skort, white socks and lastly black and white old school vans, the school allowed the kids to wear any type of takkies or vans for comfort and it either had to be black or white or both. Amaia's hair was braid into Dutch braids just like her dad's (they decided to match today with hair, the same white dress shirt, deep blue jeans, lastly with black and white old school vans), something they enjoyed to do is match outfits whenever they go out or even stay at home. One kiss on the cheek, a forehead kiss and a little boop to her nose from her dad, she was smiling and giggling at the love she received, "I love you my little sunflower, be brave today, okay?", Ao'nung says giving his daughter a big bear hug. "I love you too Dada, I promise to be brave and do my best", Amaia says hugging her dad back. She let go, kissed her dad twice on his cheek, held the straps of her back and walks towards Mr. Spellman standing by the door of his classroom talking to another parent ushering the child insider leading him to where he will sit for the rest of the year. 

Once he was done, he faced Ao'nung and Amaia, when he looked at Amaia he had looked a little surprise but said nothing and greeted the pair, "Hey Amaia, I'm Mr. Spellman your first-grade teacher, come let me show you where your sitting, and talk to your desk-mate.". Norm ushered her inside after telling Ao'nung that he will talk to her desk-mate first, then come outside to answer any questions he might have for the teacher. Once seated at the table that, and a few minutes later a little girl walks in with Norm leading her towards where Amaia was sitting, "Hey Amaia, this is your desk-mate Amari Sully", Norm says point at the girl, when they both look at each other they are in complete utter shock. 

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