Chapter 3

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Amari Iris Sully was the daughter of single dad Neteyam Eytukan Sully, she was adopted by Neteyam, 5 years ago when he heard crying coming from the abandoned park (which was closed off and was going to go under construction). Neteyam was walking past the park on his way home one evening normally people don't walk past there in the evenings due to the creeping feeling it gave some people, others just felt unsafe to be around that area when it was nearly dark. He could easily defend himself, so Neteyam was not worried when he walked past but got startled by the cries that rang through the cold night, these were loud painful cries of a baby who was left all alone in the playground area of the abandoned park. At first, he had thought he was hearing things but when he pushed through the red tape that marked the area as a no-go-zone and went towards the sound, he was surprised to see a pink and white blanket that seemed to squirm around. Neteyam paused before he could approach the small squirming bundle, wondering if this was some kind of sick joke or a prank or if this was to lure people in and then be attacked or robbed. Neteyam approached the squirming bundle and what he saw absolutely shattered is heart, a small baby girl whose nose and cheeks were red from the cold and her continuous cries.

It broke Neteyam's heart to see a small little baby dressed in two blankets and a diaper with nothing else that kept her warm enough to battle through the cold winter night. He took off his jacket, gently picking up the crying baby wrapping her in his jacket to provide warmth and although this did help give the warmth the baby wanted it did not completely stop her cries. This made Neteyam wonder just how long she was left in the abandoned park in the middle of winter, when was the last time she had eaten anything, or if this was a missing child that people were looking for although there were no reports of a missing child in his area. Luckily at the time his Aunt Sylwanin was visiting her younger sister (his mother) with her husband Tsu'tey, he took the baby to his aunt who was a pediatrician in order to get her checked out to see if her life was in any danger. The baby had a fever and was a bit malnourished, her life was not in any danger, he was by the baby's side since she only calmed down, he was around. Tears were stinging Neteyam's eyes as he was holding the baby after his aunt was done checking her and making sure she was fed and given medication for her fever.

The reality of the situation had hit him hard realizing that someone who probably was the parents since there was no missing reports made or anything related to a baby was made, they had ditched the baby. This subject hit home for Neteyam since his brother Spider was adopted by Jake and Neytiri, after they had found him wandering the side of the road dishevelled. Spider had bruises on his body, include some cuts where he was still bleeding from, his clothing was torn, he was barefoot, his feet covered in blisters indicating that he has been walking for a long time now without shoes and he looked like he was being under fed. Jake and Neytiri at the time were out on a date and decided to have a little picnic date, some time away from the kids who they left with Jake's brother Tommy who was more than happy to babysit them and give the couple some time off.

They were driving back home when they saw him walking on the side of the road before he collapsed, they had immediately stopped the car, Jake rushing to his side gently picked him up and placed him the car. Spider was around five years old that day when he was rushed to hospital, that day the doctor's had found all the injures that were on Spider were consistent to physical abuse. He was a foster kid and luckily the hospital had not called his foster parents after Neytiri and Jake bought him to the hospital saying they found him wandering the road alone and in the state that he was in. The foster parents were found guilty of physical abuse amongst other things, the whole time Jake and Neytiri had testified on behalf of Spider since they found him wondering around. All this time Spider had asked about Neytiri and Jake if he could visit them so he could thank them properly by gifting them his teddy bears, all this time they had a gift for him. All the while the court case was taking place Neytiri and Jake reached out to the foster agency in order to begin the process of adopting Spider, the process went smoothly and even though it took a long time it was worth it.

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