Colby Mariano scanned the room with his deep green eyes. His dark hair was messy, yet it fell into his eyes perfectly. My eyes were still on him.  Not a jock, most definitely not a nerd. Not a loser either. An outsider, maybe. Or antisocial. I was already thinking that he was the “I-don’t-care-I’m-a-badass” type of guy.

I could feel the slight tension in the room as girls scooted forward in their seats, maybe trying to send Colby Mariano a telepathic message to take a seat next to them, or at least near them. His eyes stopped scanning the room. He was probably going to sit at the very back row and sleep, I thought. Or do whatever else badasses do. Like be indifferent and throw idiotic comments every once in a while and er, well, be badass.

He suddenly turned his head toward my direction and his green eyes met my grey ones. I could understand why the girls swooned at the sound of his voice, but his eyes were, well they were more than drool worthy. But Kayla Johnson was not one to drool, especially over an arrogant badass. He held my gaze as a small smirk played on the corners of his (very attractive) mouth. He then walked to my direction, never breaking the gaze, the small smirk still on his face. I was never to back down on a challenge, so I held my gaze as well, as I felt my eyes narrow and a small scowl present itself on my face.

He took the seat next to mine, sliding into it like fluid, momentarily breaking our staring match. I guess my assumption that he would love to take the seat on the back row of the room was incorrect, seeing that I was seated at the front row. I could also feel the girls’ disappointment as their telepathic messages did not work. No career for them in the telepathy business.

Mr. Solis was back to discussing whatever he was discussing as Colby Mariano turned his body toward me. He then placed his chin on his hands as he looked at me. I, on the other hand, had decided to try to listen to Mr. Solis. I could fully concentrate on Mr. Solis while having the new kid stare a hole at my face. I could feel gazes at my back as well, probably jealous and maybe even angry stares. They definitely helped me in understanding the walking sleeping pill. Note the sarcasm.

I tried really hard to ignore Colby Mariano, but he was starting to get on my nerves. I finally snapped my head toward him and gave him my best death glare. He, in turn, just stared amused. Amused. What the. 

I'm a person who's easily annoyed and guess what? I was freaking annoyed. And yeah, that's the understatement of the century.

“What?” I whispered, not hiding the annoyance in my voice.

“What what?” He replied, still staring at me with that amused glint in his eyes.

“Stop staring,” I hissed. He did look cute with his black long sleeved shirt hugging his upper body and those jeans and beat-up red Chuck Taylors, and his hair framing his eyes and face, but that did not make him any less annoying.

“Why?” He tilted his head to one side as his smirk grew wider.

“Because it’s creepy,” I snapped, fighting the urge to poke his eyes out with my pen. I wouldn’t want to ruin a perfectly good pen, oh no.

“What’s so creepy about it?” He whispered in that low (and sexy) voice of his, a teasing glint evident in his tone.

I raised my eyebrows at him, feeling incredulous. Really? He was asking me why staring is creepy? And why did his voice held a teasing tone? We didn’t even know each other. Heck, he didn’t even know my name. He knew nothing about me, and yet he was acting like we knew each other. 

“You don’t think it’s creepy that you’re practically boring a hole in my face with your staring? Plus, it’s disrespectful. I’m trying to listen to the lecture here,” I whispered back angrily.

He chuckled a little. He has a nice laugh. Okay you should not be thinking about how nice his laugh was Kayla.

“You know you like me looking at you,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open. Can this guy be more arrogant and full of himself? He might have a nice laugh, and his eyes were to die for, but still. What a prick!

“Yes, I like you looking at me so much that I’d very much like to poke your eyes out,” I said sarcastically, my hands clenching into fists.

He shook his head, the amusement never leaving his face. “Just admit it, babe.”

My nostrils flared at the mention of babe. My clenched fist tightened, and I turned to him with fire in my eyes.

“Babe? Babe?!” I said through gritted teeth. “Do I look like a piglet to you?”

He opened his mouth about to say something, but then the bell rang, cutting him off. I quickly shove all my belongings into my bag and stood up. I shot another death glare at the living pompous bag, and I was out the door in a flash. Marathon runners would be proud.

I stalked down the hall fuming as I head to my locker. Colby Mariano was not only the badass type; he was the arrogant, annoying badass type. He was also a flirt, and a player. He was full-of-himself and annoying. He could surely make anybody’s day be ruined first thing in the morning.

What a charmer.

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