Chapter 154: Down Memory Lane

Start from the beginning

"Well, I wasn't expecting much, but this is somewhat of a letdown." Remarked Elaine while using her divine sense to make sure she didn't happen to miss something, though she didn't.

Since nothing special happened, I just ignored it and was about to head toward the bottom, which seemed to start from the base of the Erdtree and extend to the peak that I was relatively close to. However, before I did, I sensed a small crystal floating in my direction; raising my eyebrow, I grabbed it with my hands and scanned the contents with my divine sense before eventually retracting it once I had read everything.

'That was very helpful; I would've wasted an enormous amount of time searching through the numerous soul crystals. Now I know what every soul crystal roughly consists of, which means I know the exact crystals that contain the truth behind us Royal Elves.' Thought Elaine with a smile of interest as she began speedily flying to the base of the Erdtree while nimbly avoiding the soul crystals.

Once I made it to the bottom of the Erdtree, I noticed very few soul crystals compared to the top, but I didn't dwell on it too much and approached a soul crystal with a greenish tint roughly the size of my fist.

"This should be the crystal I desire; now, let's unveil the truth behind the Royal Elves." Muttered Elaine as she grabbed the soul crystal and allowed it to absorb her.

Walking down the castle hallways while my guards followed me, I approached a heavily guarded door, and when I got close, all the guards standing in the vicinity gave a slight bow to my presence.

"Princess Lourdes!" Exclaimed the several guards while bowing, each possessing a golden star on their forehead.

"Is Father inside?" Asked the childish Lourdes, who, just like the guards, had a golden star on her forehead.

"The Elven King is just inside, Princess Lourdes; however, he is currently in the middle of an important meeting with several nobles and a few Elven Sages." Exclaimed the guard with a decorative golden badge, symbolizing his higher status among guards.

"Is that so? It should be fine, though, since I'm the next in line to inherit the throne, I should be allowed to join such a meeting." Remarked Lourdes as she nodded to herself while carefully opening the door before entering the room, her guards waiting outside.

As I quietly entered the room, I saw a large round table in the center of the room, with each seat being occupied by what I assumed were nobles, except for one chair directly to the right of Father, as that was the Queen's seat, but now it is mine. Listening to them all passionately dispute, I was attempting to listen so I could gain an understanding of the topic, but I had forgotten about the door, which had slammed shut, resulting in the room becoming silent as all eyes were now focused on me.

"H-Hello?" Said Lourdes rather timidly after getting caught in such an awkward situation.

"Haa, Lourdes; is there a problem?" Asked the man sitting on the throne at the front of the round table.

"No, Father; I just figured, since I was the Princess, I should live up to my title and start helping the Kingdom, just like what you said Mother used to do." Said Lourdes softly while looking at the man's impassive expression, afraid he'd refuse her assistance.

"I do not enjoy depriving children of their youth, but you could use all the possible help, my King." Said an extremely old Elven man sitting beside the empty seat as he looked at Lourdes.

"I agree with Sage Lymph, King; ever since the Queen died, you were forced to take over the logistics of the war alongside running a Kingdom. If something about this isn't done soon, you'll collapse from over-exhaustion. If such a thing were to happen, all the responsibilities would fall onto Princess Lourdes, while us Sages and Nobles will always be here to assist; something like that will simply be too much for a child to bear with no prior experience in that field of expertise." Stated a very old Elven woman sitting beside the King.

With Sage Lymph and Sage Oakley's words, I saw Father's impassive face change as he furrowed his brows, frowned, and sternly looked at me before eventually softening his glare while releasing a sigh.

"You're right, Sage Lymph, Sage Oakley; ever since my wife's unfortunate passing, I've become very protective of Lourdes, treating her like glass, capable of breaking by a simple fall." Remarked the King while sighing as he glanced at the empty chair beside him.

"Everyone makes mistakes, though there is nothing wrong with your way of thinking, my King; however, you must realize that Princess Lourdes is special; she's destined for great things. Yet for people like her, danger usually follows such beings, so instead of trying to protect her for the rest of her life, teach her to protect herself, even without your presence. Only then will your concerns disappear." Added Lymph, his knowledgeable words caused many other people to nod in agreement.

"Lourdes, come here; sit in the Queen's seat. It's about time you start joining these important discussions." Said the King as he tapped the empty seat beside him, causing Lourdes to smile.


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