The Enigmas (The Ever changing Numbers, Loops, and the oddly familiar figures)

Start from the beginning

Erito: (surprised) Akari, you're here!

Akari: (confused) Erito? What's happening?

Erito: (frustrated) I woke up in my own house this morning, with my parents mentioning you as if we're...

Akari: (interrupting) A couple? My parents said something similar! But... that's impossible, isn't it? Although... maybe... it could work.

Her voice trailed off as a faint tinge of embarrassment colored her cheeks. The thought of Erito being her boyfriend was somehow growing on her.

Erito: What did you say? I couldn't hear you at the end there.

Akari: Nothing!

Realizing their experiences matched in a bizarre way, the exchanged their morning encounters were too different from last time, they were perplexed by the inexplicable turn of events.

Akari: (determined) This isn't a coincidence. We have to figure out what's happening.

Erito: What a drag... Fine, let's figure it out together.

Throughout the day, an eerie sensation lingered around Erito and Akari, an uncanny feeling of being under observation. Strange silhouettes flitted at the edges of their vision, vanishing whenever they tried to focus on them. The figures seemed oddly familiar, but the reason remained elusive.

In the bustling science classroom:

The Science Teacher addressed the class, his voice cutting through the air with a tone of enthusiasm.

Nakikumari: Alright, class! I'm your teacher, Mr. Nakikumari. Today, we're delving into a fascinating activity—observing microscopic organisms.

Erito and Akari exchanged an apprehensive glance, their thoughts synced in silent panic.

(Both in thought): What about the science project we were supposed to be working on? Maybe it's really the first day of school.

Nakikumari: You'll form groups of two! This isn't a graded project, just a bit of fun. Let's see...

He reached for the basket, pulling out slips of paper to determine the groups.

Nakikumari: Erito... Akari... You two will be a group.

With the rest of the groups assigned, Hiro and Yuki found themselves paired together.

Yuki: Everything okay, Hiro?

Hiro: I don't know. I feel like I'm losing it.

Yuki: Same here.

Erito's gaze darted toward the classroom door, a sense of unease prickling at his skin.

Erito: (Thought) I could have sworn someone was just there...

As the day progressed, the strange figures continued to haunt Erito and Akari's periphery, leaving them unsettled and increasingly curious about the bizarre occurrences encircling their lives.

In the science lab, Erito and Akari exchanged hushed whispers, discussing the eerie figures that had been haunting their experiences.

Erito: (whispering) Did you see them?

Akari: (nervously) Yeah, those figures...

Erito: (thoughtful) And they seem to be linked to whatever is happening to us.

After school, Erito and Akari met up, their determination to solve this mystery unwavering.

Erito: (serious) Akari, let's start by comparing our experiences from the last few "todays."

Misadventures of Erito and Akari™ Season 1 - Trapped in TimeWhere stories live. Discover now