Chapter 35

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3rd pov:

"I am time. I stand witness to the approaching Battle of Shibuya, feeling a mixture of emotions that words struggle to convey. The joy and laughter emanating from those who will be in the battle warm my heart, yet amidst it all, a profound sadness lingers. For as the future unfolds before me, I know that this battle, with all its valor and sacrifice, will soon become a chapter in history."

Stuti wandered, humming softly to herself, until she sensed a spear of cursed energy directed at her. Swiftly dodging, she watched as the spear collided with a tree behind her. Turning, she spotted a black bear nearby, seemingly innocent but emanating cursed energy.

"Well, well, who do we have here?" Stuti's smirk grew as she approached the bear, which attempted to feign innocence but failed to conceal its cursed energy.

Drawing closer, Stuti chuckled, "Nice try, but pretending to be a bear won't mask your curse energy."

Summoning her sword, Stuti watched as the bear transformed into a beautiful woman with long black hair, a slender figure, and a tattooed arm.

"My, you're quite a beautiful curse corpse," Stuti remarked, her tone cheeky.

The woman responded, drawing her own sword, "You may have a way with words, but let's see if your swordsmanship matches up."

Stuti chuckled, amused by the woman's frustration. Dodging her attacks effortlessly, Stuti maintained a casual demeanor, much to the woman's growing annoyance.

"Taking this quite seriously, aren't you?" Stuti teased, her smile sweet yet taunting.

The woman, fueled by anger, dismissed Stuti's attempts at conversation, focusing solely on her attacks. However, none seemed to land on Stuti, who continued to evade with ease, barely exerting herself.

"I never caught your name. I'm Stuti, though I suppose you already knew that, considering you were spying on me," Stuti said, her laughter light-hearted.

"Enough with the chatter, nuisance," the woman snapped, her frustration evident as her attacks grew more desperate. But despite her efforts, Stuti remained unscathed, provoking the woman further.

"Why all the hostility? I haven't even done anything," Stuti playfully whined, toying with her opponent. However, her demeanor shifted when the woman unexpectedly severed her own hand.

"It's not my fault you cut off your own hand, you know?" Stuti remarked, puzzled by the woman's actions.

"Well, that was easier than expected" The woman turned around only to find Stuti standing behind her with a smile 

 "What?! How- I blasted you!" 

 "Oh honey no, That is what illusions are" Stuti said chuckling as Stuti grabbed her arm as the woman was trying to attack her, 

"Now, why would someone as lovely as you want to kill me?" Stuti inquired, her gaze drifting to the tattoos on the woman's arm. Recognizing the faces, Stuti's eyes widened in realization.

"These are the people you've killed, aren't they?" Stuti muttered, a mix of shock and understanding dawning on her.

In response, the woman severed her hand once more, causing it to explode in Stuti's face.

Stuti stood over the woman, her expression resolute as she watched her enemy transform back into human form, writhing in agony from the arrows piercing her flesh.

"You think you're the only one I want to kill? Just wait until I paint my arm with the faces of your precious students!" the woman snarled, her voice laced with venom.

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