Chapter 7

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3rd pov:

"In August 2007, one year after the failed escort mission, Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko are assessing Satoru's remarkable progress with the Limitless technique. Meanwhile, Stuti focuses intently on refining her own combat skills, driven by her determination to become a formidable jujutsu sorcerer. Despite the challenges of the past year, they remain committed to their training, prepared to face whatever threats the future may bring."

Suguru and Shoko playfully tossed a pencil and an eraser at Satoru. He effortlessly stopped the pencil but allowed the eraser to pass through his barrier.

"What was that?" Shoko asked, slightly confused.

"Automatic selection of targets for your jujutsu technique? That's pretty neat." Stuti said as she walked over to them 

Satoru grinned, explaining, "Yup. Though, to be precise, I'm the target for the technique. I've automated what I used to manually. Now it can discern an object's danger level based on the strength of its cursed energy, its mass, its velocity and its shape. I'd like to get it to discern poisons, too, but that's still proving difficult. This will allow me to keep my Limitless technique active almost perpetually with minimal resources."

Shoko raised a concern, "Having it perpetually active will fry your brain."

Satoru reassured her, "But I can also keep running the reversed cursed technique with the energy I generate on my own. So I'm constantly giving it a fresh brain to work with. I'd already been working on shortening my hand seals. That's nailed now, too. So I can activate multiple instance of Blue and Red simultaneously. The only hurdles are Domain Expansion and teleportation over long distances. I should be able to get that down if we set up some courses without any obstacles in Jujutsu High."

Turning to Stuti, Shoko asked, "And what about you, Tuti Frutti? You've been quite busy lately."

Stuti couldn't contain her excitement and summoned her bow. "I've been working on merging my cursed technique with my weapons—like my bow, trident, and sword. Now, I can use my creation-based cursed technique on a larger scale, adjusting my attacks based on the target. I can transform their appearance, power, velocity, and danger level mid-attack. I can even change it's direction!"

Her eyes gleamed with the thrill of her newfound abilities as she demonstrated by summoning a dummy curse and shooting it with an arrow, making it multiply  it in mid air.

Suguru, impressed, finally spoke, "That's incredible, Stuti."

Stuti, with her newfound mastery, launched an arrow at Satoru. As it sailed through the air, the arrow multiplied into a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Then, with a playful grin, she turned her attention to Suguru and Shoko. With a swift motion, the arrows transformed into elegant flower crowns, adorning their heads.

With genuine excitement and affection, Stuti exclaimed, "Flower crowns and bouquets from my favorite people!" Her radiant smile reflected the joy of the moment

She playfully addressed Satoru, "Well, don't you look dashing with that crown, Satoru?"

Satoru chuckled, adjusting his own flower crown, and replied, "I must admit, Stuti, your cursed technique is quite impressive."

Stuti beamed with pride, watching her friends wear the flower crowns she had created with her enhanced cursed technique. "I'm glad you like them! It's a little gift to brighten up your day am I right, Suguru?" 

"Now all that is left is my domain expansion" Stuti sighed 

"Shoko, Can I have some lab rats?" Satoru asked Shoko as she replied with a short nod and judgy eyes as Satoru acted dramatically 

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