Chapter 22

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3rd pov:

"Log: July 2018

West Tokyo City Eishuu Juvenile Detention Center In the sky above the exercise yard.

"Hey...What's that?" One of the males asked.

"What?" The other asked looking up.

Unnamed Apparition of Potential Special Grade. Its curse womb was witnessed by several non-jujutsu sorcerers.

"That up there! Looks like an egg."

"What are you talking about?"

Due to the emergency nature, four Jujutsu Tech first years were dispatched to the scene, and one died."

The detention center stood as a dark and eerie place, a potential breeding ground for malevolent curses. Kiyotaka Ijichi, the assistant manager at Tokyo Jujutsu High, guided the three first-year students – Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki – to this ominous location. Their mission was far from simple: to investigate the detention center, where reports of a cursed womb had surfaced.

As they approached Detainee Block 2, their faces bore expressions of curiosity mixed with apprehension. The possibility of facing a special grade cursed spirit loomed over them like a dark cloud. Ijichi, their guide, delivered a stark warning – a matter of life and death. If they encountered the special grade, their only options were to run or to meet a gruesome demise.

For Yuji, the mother's heartfelt plea to save her son served as a potent motivator. He felt the weight of her desperation, fueling his determination. He adamantly declared to his fellow students that their mission was not merely to confirm but to rescue every survivor.

Inside the detention center, they were greeted by an unsettling sight – an Innate Domain, a cursed realm that defied the laws of reality. It was a place that sent shivers down one's spine, a testament to the horrific curses that festered within. While Yuji and Nobara's initial reactions bordered on comical panic, Megumi displayed a stoic resolve. His White Divine Dog, a shikigami, became their sentinel, designed to detect any approaching curses.

Amid this sinister environment, they ventured deeper into the unknown. Tragically, their path led them to lifeless bodies, mute testimony to the cruelty of the cursed spirits. Among the corpses lay Tadashi, the son of the distressed mother who had begged for their assistance. Yuji, driven by compassion and a desire to grant proper closure, proposed bringing the bodies back to the outside world.

Megumi, however, took a more pragmatic and cautionary stance. He shed light on a critical aspect of their duties as jujutsu sorcerers – it was not just about exorcising curses but ensuring the safety of innocent people. The discussion that unfolded revolved around ethics and moral dilemmas, highlighting the complexities of their roles as protectors of humanity.

Before the conversation could reach a resolution, a bone-chilling incident unfolded. Nobara, who had been attempting to restore some levity to their situation, was suddenly and violently pulled through the floor by an unseen force. A shockwave of confusion and fear reverberated through their ranks.

Even more disconcerting was the discovery that Megumi's White Divine Dog, their early warning system, had been slain without any warning. The veil of safety was abruptly lifted as the special grade cursed spirit, the cause of their predicament, emerged from the shadows.

Fear paralyzed Yuji and Megumi, rendering them helpless as they stared into the malevolent eyes of this monstrous entity. It was an intense moment, a crucible of terror that tested the resolve of these budding sorcerers.

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