Drabble #1

438 22 16

3rd pov:

"I am Time, found great amusement in observing Stuti's antics just a week ago. It was a spectacle to witness as she decided to take the responsibility of cleaning the entire house on her shoulders in preparation for Diwali. Stuti, with her characteristic zeal, went about inspecting every nook and cranny.

In this delightful spectacle, Satoru, her husband, found himself on the receiving end of Stuti's scolding. She pointed out areas that needed attention, expressing her dissatisfaction with the state of cleanliness. Satoru, in his usual playful manner, whined and protested, earning him the label of a negligent housekeeper from his wife.

However, the entertainment didn't end there. Our little missy, in her enthusiasm, managed to forget her own tasks and found a cozy spot on the couch, indulging in her favorite makhan. This oversight did not escape the attention of her husband.

The scenario transformed into a delightful game, reminiscent of a chase between a cat and mouse. Stuti's scolding, initially aimed at Satoru, turned into playful banter as they both engaged in a lighthearted exchange. The roles reversed, and the husband and wife duo transformed into mischievous kids, turning a seemingly mundane chore into a joyful escapade.

I couldn't help but appreciate these moments of joy and simplicity, where the mundane tasks of life turned into cherished memories for the couple."

The day of Diwali had arrived, and both Stuti and Satoru were up early, immersing themselves in the preparations. Satoru diligently hung decorations on the front gate, while Stuti showcased her artistic flair by crafting a vibrant Rangoli at the front door.

Turning to admire their week-long efforts, Satoru huffed, "Wow, we've been working for a week, and on the day of Diwali, all this is finished."

Stuti, engrossed in her rangoli-making, chuckled, "Oh, come on, Satoru. It's your first Diwali; to have some fun, you have to pay some price."

Rolling his eyes, Satoru retorted, "Yeah, yeah, now look, it's not even straight."

Stuti nodded and made the necessary adjustments. Satoru, with his Hindi skills improving under Stuti's guidance, insisted that only Hindi songs should grace the Gojo household. Stuti, in her mischievous way, had already associated certain songs with him, claiming that the lyrics perfectly encapsulated his essence. Notably, the song 'Har Fun Mola' held a special place, being the inspiration behind their playful banter.

As the rangoli reached completion, Stuti's hands bore the telltale red marks of her artistry. Meanwhile, Satoru was immersed in the rhythms of an item song. Stuti, observing him, teased, "Alright, mister, if you dance like that, the whole city's women are going to fall for you."

Satoru raised an eyebrow, chuckling as he took her hand, "Wait, Satoru! My hands are all red." Stuti found herself pulled close to his chest. Looking into his eyes, she protested, "Well, you'll be the first one, no?"

Stuti playfully smirked, "Oh yeah? And why would I fall for a monkey like you?"

Satoru countered, "Oh? Is that so? But wasn't it you who was rambling to Nobara about how handsome I looked?"

Stuti gasped dramatically, "My God, she's a snitch!" making Satoru laugh while squeezing her even tighter. Stuti managed to wriggle out of his grasp, leaving red handprints on Satoru's white shirt. With a sigh, she remarked, "Great, now I've ruined your shirt, and it's totally your fault."

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