Chapter 23

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3rd pov:

"I am time. For I have seen life through every yug from the starting Satyug then Dwapar then Treta and now Kaliyug. I have even seen when Stuti took first birth in Kaliyug as Sundari where she first met Sukuna. Let me take you through the story...It goes as such...

Sukuna was regarded as the most formidable sorcerer of the Heian period, and he later ascended to the position of the King of Curses. His terror was so overwhelming that people began to perceive him as a kind of deity, and they worshipped him out of fear. Sukuna's insatiable desires for greed, lust, and murder knew no bounds. He didn't discriminate; he killed both sorcerers and non-sorcerers with equal ruthlessness, sparing neither men nor children. He would keep women for his own pleasure and then snuff out their lives.

However, there was one exception among the people - a young non-sorceress named Sundari, approximately 20 years of age. She was exceptionally beautiful, to the point where any man would desire her as his wife. Even her name, Sundari, signified her enchanting beauty. Despite her allure, she held her self-respect in the highest regard. Sundari was a woman of calm demeanor, but if provoked, her fury was uncontrollable. She was the sole individual who didn't offer her reverence to Sukuna, not out of courage, but as a true devotee of Lord Vishnu.

One unfateful day, Sundari was engrossed in her daily ritual of worship when a white-haired monk with chin-length silvery hair and a striking dark plum-pink streak running horizontally at the back of their head burst into her home. Their deep pink eyes bore long eyelashes, and they were dressed in a simple, dark blue monk's robe with a white innermost layer.

The intruder stormed towards Sundari, who remained oblivious to their presence due to her devotion to Lord Vishnu. As Sundari completed her prayers, she looked up with wide, startled eyes and shuffled back. The monk was unwavering in their approach, forcibly gripping her wrist, and dragged her out of her house. Sundari screamed and cried out in agony and fear, demanding them to stop and leave her be.

"STOP IT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Sundari's voice echoed as she was dragged away and throwing her in the king of curses feet.

With an air of dominance, he cruelly seized her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. He chuckled sadistically at her fiery defiance.

Amidst the tears that clouded her vision, Sundari's strength didn't waver. She summoned all her courage and boldly shouted back, "Let go of me, you vile creature! Learn how to respect a woman; don't insult my womb."

Sukuna's laughter reverberated, and he yanked her hair with brutal force, causing her to cry out in pain. "You really think your words will scare me? You sure have pride. Won't I love to crush it?"

Sukuna unceremoniously flung Sundari over his shoulder, her anguished cries and desperate struggles echoing through the air. He marched toward his menacing mansion, leaving the monk to prepare the room within for the King of Curses.

As he entered the chamber, Sundari's eyes widened with terror. She screamed, her voice piercing through the room, "PUT ME DOWN, YOU MONSTER! I AM THIS TOWN'S RESPECT! LEARN TO HONOR A WOMAN, YOU PIG!"

Sukuna, his cruel smile etched on his face, heedlessly tossed her onto the cold, hard floor. A pained moan escaped her lips, and a trickle of blood marked her delicate features. Closing the distance between them, Sukuna seized her jaw, his grip cruelly forceful, making her gaze upon him. With malice dancing in his eyes, he taunted, "You truly believe that a mere mortal like you could ever make me regret my actions?"

Sundari's fear-stricken eyes widened further as she felt an overwhelming aura emanating from this monstrous being. With ruthless vigor, Sukuna yanked her up, casting her upon a modest futon. She screamed, her voice brimming with terror and defiance, "STOP IT, YOU WRETCH! DON'T YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON ME!"

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