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Jungkook and Taehyung sat side by side of each other on the bed. Neither of them spoke. Taehyung was fiddling with his fingers and looking down. Jungkook was just looking lost.

"M-My lord, What is the matter? Is something bothering you?"

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and furrowed in brows, "I have something to say. I....um...Taehyung-a.....I.... r-really.... it's.... don't be angry....I really want to say this to you .....I know it's not the time nor the place to say this ..also Sumi isn't here and I would seem heartless but I am unable to sleep these past days. I am so worried and desperate....I really need to do this ...."

Jungkook was rambling due to nervousness. "MY LORD!"

Jungkook suddenly shut up and looked at Taehyung with worried eyes. "My Lord, take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong? I will not judge you on it or will question you. Please don't be nervous and tell me what is the matter?"

"Okay", Jungkook takes a deep breath "Taehyung, I - I like you. I love you"

Taehyung's breath hitched. There was a pin drop silence. Jungkook was looking at Taehyung with determination. He had set his mind and he will not back out.

Taehyung was happy but sad inside. He was happy his crush reciprocated his feelings towards him but sad that it's his lord. He knew his feelings was pointless. He could not imagine a slave and a prime minister could be together. Forget about the status the gender was the main problem. Male love was frowned upon in his empire. He could not disgrace his lord who saved him and provided him with his needs. He couldn't betray his master who gave him sisterly love. How could be take his master's love. How could he do this when she is not present anymore. It would be disrespecting her sacrifice. He couldn't do it. He needed to reject his lord. The feelings will wash away in time. He can do it. He will stop loving his lord too.

Jungkook was deeply looking at Taehyung. He could see various emotionas on taehyung's face. He knew he was contemplating his decision. He could see happiness, sadness, regret and determination on taehyung's face. Jungkook obviously knew what taehyung's answer would be. His face said it all. Taehyung was ready to reject him, he knew it. Before Taehyung could open his mouth Jungkook intervened.

"I know your answer. You do not need to mind anything else. You just need to tell me what you feel. Don't think about what others would say, or your feelings to be regretful. I know how you feel about me Taehyung-a. I have seen it all. I just want to hear it from your mouth. If you are worried about the society, don't be. We will figure it out together. If you are worried about Sumi, don't be. She already knows about our feelings and has given us her blessings.

Taehyung widened his eyes at Jungkook's words "Master already knew?"

"Yes, on her death bed she told me about our feelings for each other. She knew about it long before we realised it ourselves. She said she is happy that I fell in love with you instead of someone else. She is happy to leave as I will be in your hands now. She also said she has no offence about this and gave her blessings."

[Taehyung spoke in his mind]

Taehyung was confused now. "I was ready to reject my lord, now what should i do. My lord would not lie about Master's last words. If the master really has given her blessings to us then......" taehyung shook his head "No....I need to think about this. I cannot just suddenly accept it. I need some time"

He looked at Jungkook "My lord....I....I am sorry....I just need some time. Can I give you an answer another time?"

Jungkook smiled, Taehyung did not reject him upright. It means he has a chance to convince him.

My joseon Prince [ BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now