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Jungkook's POV

A mid wife walked out with a bundle. I took a step towards it and extended my hand. The midwife slowly slid the baby in my hand and I held my child for the first time. I was overjoyed to find it was a baby boy. Secretly I was wishing for a baby girl whom I could adore. But a baby boy is also happy news. My boy was scrunching his nose and trying to open his eyes. Then just like a switch turned on he started crying. The mid wife said the baby is hungry so she took him from me and left with the baby. I looked at Taehyung and could see tears glistening in his eyes.

He beckoned me towards the door and I went inside my wife's room. She was peacefully sleeping, I was happy to see her alive. She had literally scared us with her words. Then another mid wife came beside me and gave me the news we were afraid of. My wife was bleeding profusely and they could not stop the bleeding. She was awake now and looking at me with a sad but smiling face. My knees went weak and I kneeled down, I held her hand and brought it towards my face caressing it.

"Sumi-a...why is this happening? Why are you leaving? How can you leave our baby? .....you can't do this to us. Not only me but Taehyung will be heartbroken. You need to speak to him too ...let me call him"

I get up but get pulled down by Sumi...I looked at her confusingly. She shakes her head "Don't call him. I don't want to see his heartbroken face"

"But if you don't talk to him he will regret not talking to you. He might feel guilty. "

"I know....but you take care of him then. You should open your heart and accept him Jungkook-a. If you hide it you might lose him forever"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't you like him Jungkook-a?", I was startled by her words.

"Don't be so surprised Jungkook-a, I am not a fool to not notice your love for him. I just want to say that I accept your heart and I want you to accept your heart too. Make him yours before it's too late. Don't think about how I feel........Before you get any weird thoughts I am telling you it's okay to fall in love with him and I give you my consent."

"H-How?...", Jungkook asked surprised.

"I know about love Jungkook. I can figure out when someone is in love because I myself was in love too. I fell in love with you. How I used to behave around you before is the same you two are doing around each other. Stealing glances, secret smiles, blushing faces I figured it all out. I am a little sad that you never fell in love with me but I am glad that you fell in love with Taehyung instead. He's such a kind soul and a kind-hearted person."

"But I don't think he likes me as you say. He might just be embarrassed around me"

"Don't judge my knowledge about love dear. I know it more than you do. If I am saying he likes you too then he likes you. You just need to express your feelings to him. I am sure he will accept you as well.......my time is running out. Can I see my baby one last time ...?"

The mid wife brought the baby again who was now sleeping peacefully after being fed. Sumi sits upright and takes the baby in her arms. She starts tearing after seeing the baby.

"I will miss this bundle of joy so much. I am going to miss him. I wish I would be with you a little longer, but I can't. Just know this baby, you are so special to me. You are my dearest and I love you so much. Mommy loves you dearly. Taehyung will be a good parent figure for our baby. So I can leave in peace and not worry about anything." Sumi looks up at me "Please call Taehyung inside "

Taehyung walks in with a happy face. "My lady, congratulations. You have delivered such a beautiful baby. He looks just like you. I am sure he is going to be the most handsome bachelor in the entire empire just like his mother"

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