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A boy, Cale Henituse, pale skin and his unmistakable sharp, reddish-brown eyes and bright red hair. Many called him trash, a disgrace, selfish but was he truly that or was there more to it?

Cale hentiuse a smart and very brave boy who grew up too fast for his age. Having lost his mother at the age of 8 and then being neglected by his father, Deruth Hentiuse, then not even a week after his mothers death having to step up and take care of his fathers work.

His father claimed he needed a break to grieve his wife but what about his son? Cale needed someone too, someone to cry on, someone to help him get through the grief he was feeling.

If only his mother stayed and had waited until the next day when the storm cleared to go to Haris Village but she was stubborn saying it was urgent and she would be back before he knew it promising him that she would sing to him when she returned. What a lie.

He needed someone or something to blame for his mother's death, he chose to blame the village where she died. A small village one of many in there territory. Harris Village coincidentally the same village where the commoner had come from and beat him in the future.

Cale hentiuse being left alone to take care of his father county drowned himself in his study with Ron, his butler, by his side. The other person who gave Cale any form of comfort was Beacrox, Ron's son, but would it always be like this? Would they both stay and be with him forever? He thinks so, he hopes so, how foolish was he to think they would stay after all he was trash.

When his father returned finally returned he was not alone he had brought a woman with him along with a child. His father introduced them as his stepmother, Viola, and his stepbrother, Basen, Deruth expected his son to be angry and cry show some form of displeasure at the two new family members. That never came instead his son greeted them and left soon after. When Deruth looked at his new wife he could see her displeasure on how Cale had acted her eyes repeating the same question. A question he himself did not know the answer to 'why is he so mature?' A child his age would have thrown a fit, cried, or angry but Cale only greeted them and left soon after showing no emotion of resentment or anger towards them. 'Why aren't you mad' Deruth thought as he looked at the figure of his son as he walked away.

Okay short chapter maybe the next one will be longer but anyways English isn't my first language so there may be some mistakes in my spelling and all that I'm also still in school so I'll uploaded chapters when I can! I'm not sure if I'll put a ship in the story yet but if I did which ship would you like to see?

Anyways see you next chapter, dear readers!

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