Elana, observing the interaction between her children, nodded in agreement with her son. "Verona dear, while we respect your wishes, Damien is right. We can't leave things unresolved. When Judith comes back, we'll have a calm discussion and have her give you the proper respect."

Arthur, listening to the family's exchange, stepped forward, determined to take charge of the situation. He addressed his family with a steady voice, "Damien, Verona, Elana, I understand this is a difficult moment, but we can't let things remain unsettled. I'll call Judith myself and ask her to come back."

Damien looked at his father with a nod of approval. "That's a good idea, father. She needs to to be berated about her disrespectful behavior towards us."

Verona nodded in agreement. "Thank you, father. I hope she'll listen and come back willingly."

Arthur nodded in acknowledgment. "I'll do my best to talk to her and bring her back. It's crucial that we address this matter calmly."

With a determined expression, Arthur excused himself to make the call.

Having now returned to her dorm, Judith is just lounging on her bed with headphones on; listening to music.

With her arms behind her head, and one leg crossed over the other, Judith showed a relaxed expression as she hums to a typical 2000s bubblegum pop song.

On her nightstand, her phone vibrated and lit up with incoming calls from her father, but she remained blissfully unaware, lost in her own world of freedom. The rhythmic beats of the music drowned out any external disturbances.

Back at the Wellester mansion, Arthur dialed Judith's number, his frustration evident as the phone rang on the other end. The continuous buzzing of Judith's phone in her room went unnoticed, and the missed calls started to accumulate.

Damien, still agitated, paced the room, occasionally glancing at his father making the call.

"She is not picking up any of my calls!" Arthur growled in frustration.

Verona, still keeping her innocent act, continued to express her concern. "Mother, Father, please, let Judith have some time. She'll come back when she's ready."

Elana sighed, torn between her daughter's distress and the need to resolve the situation. "Verona sweetie, we can't just leave this conflict alone. Your father is only trying to bring Judith back to talk things out."

After many attempts of trying to call his rebellious daughter, Arthur left a voicemail, urging Judith to return to address her disgraceful conduct . He emphasized the importance of resolving the matter for the family's sake.

As the calls persisted, Judith continued to enjoy her solitude, oblivious to the storm brewing in the Wellester mansion. The room echoed with the lyrics of the pop song, creating a stark contrast to the tension and frustration unfolding just miles away.

About ten minutes later, Judith finally removes her headphones.

Judith noticed the glow of her phone and casually picked it up, scrolling through the notifications. Her eyes lingered on the multiple missed calls from her father.

"Ugh, what does he want now?" she muttered to herself, scoffing at the idea of answering the calls. Judith briefly considered listening to the voicemail but decided against it.

With an indifferent shrug, she tossed her phone back onto the nightstand. The missed calls and voicemail were nothing more than background noise to her newfound sense of liberation. Judith leaned back on her bed, humming along to the fading music, completely uninterested in the attempts to reach her.

Back at the mansion, the Wellesters have realized that Judith will never pick up her phone.

Damien glared at the phone in Arthur's hand.

"She's deliberately ignoring us!" He yelled out in anger.

A few minutes later, Judith got an unexpected call from Liam.

"Hello, Liam." She greeted in surprise when she picks up her phone. She was actually planning to text the guys on their group chat to hang out since the day is still young, but Liam's call beat her.

"Hey Judith! I am just wondering if you would like to hang out with us today? We are planning to go to that new amusement park that just opened! Would you like to join us?" Said Liam cheerfully.

Judith's face lits up in excitement.

"Sure! Thanks Liam for inviting me! Do you mind if I get some of my friends to tag along?" She asked.


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