Chapter six: Life Opportunities

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" Viva!"

Poppy and Viva were so happy to see each other. Sure, it was in a cage, but still, they felt relieved to know the other was okay.

" Viva, I'm so glad you'r-cough . cough cough!"

" Princess Poppy, are you alright?" Trollex asked.

" Cough cough cough! I-it's s-s-so c-c-c-cold." Poppy kept coughing. The floors of the cage were icy cold, and Poppy just couldn't handle it.

" Poppy, I'm so sorry this is all my fault!" Viva said.

" No, it's Branch's." Poppy pointed to the rock king.

" Poppy, I'm sorry." Branch said.

"It's okay, i-cough cough. COUGH!-forgive you." Poppy leaned over to Branch and hugged him. Branch broke the hug and gently kissed her on the forehead.

" Aww! So cute. I hope you invite me to the wedding!" Trollzart snickered from behind.

" We're not going to invite you to anything!"  Viva snapped.

" Oh, I still hope you're still going to the soiree. Oh, what am I saying? Of course you're are! Everyone's going!"

" What?" Trollex asked.

" Remember the letter? I'm having the soiree of a lifetime! And you're all invited! It's going to be memorable! " With that, Trollzart walked away.

" I wonder what he means by 'soiree of a lifetime'?" Poppy asked.

" I don't know know, but it can't be good." Viva replied.

Suddenly, the cage doors opened. Then, everyone was separated and taken away to  a space underneath a stage. Except for Synth,Bliss, and Poppy. They were taken to be with their respective tribes. Poppy was reunited with her friends.

" Poppy!" Smidge shouted.

" Guys, you're alright! I'm so glad!" Poppy replied.

" Hey! You!" She shouted at a classical troll." Where's my sister?!"

" You'll see her after the show."

" Show? What show?"

. . . .

In the high mountains of  Symphonyville, someone was having a party, but not just a party, a soiree! Violins, cellos, and  pianos were all playing in beautiful unison. Millions of trolls, most of the trolls in facts were seated in a cold white  amphitheater. All the trolls except the classical trolls were there against their will. An orchestra was playing on the center stage, and in the middle was Trollzart, the soon-to-be leader of all the trolls.

" Good night, my  trolls! Is everyone ready for symphonic harmony!"

The classical trolls cheered.

Trollzart began to strum his harp. He played Beethoven's 5th with the help of the orchestra.

" Now, say hello to your former leaders!" Trollzart pointed to five white pedestals.

" Techno."

" Funk"

" Country"

" Pop."

" And worst of all, Hard rock!" Trollzart said that last part with more anger than the others. Guess he really didn't like rock.

" Now, who wants to see what all the strings can do together?"

The classical trolls cheered even louder than before. Trollzart played a beautiful rendition of the Blue Danube with every dun dun hitting one of the troll leaders. First King Quincy and Queen Essence, then King Trollex. But nothing happened . The strings didn't affect them at all!

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