Chapter five: Plans

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Poppy was shocked, to say the least.

" So let me get this straight. You have two brothers, and you didn't tell me?"

" Uh, yeah." Branch rubbed his neck."Sorry."

" Well, that's okay." Poppy replied. She was so understanding and sweet. No wonder his grandmother wanted him to marry her. She would be perfect for him.

" I'm Poppy Princess of Pop. It's very nice to meet you, Floyd." Poppy stretched out her left hand, the right one being full of bacon.

" It's very nice to meet you, Princess Poppy ." Floyd said as he shaked her hand.

Poppy chuckled." Just call me Popp-ooh!"

Branch rushed to her aide.

" Poppy, what's wrong?"

" My arms...."

Oh no.

. . . .

" Open the cage!" A classical troll yelled. Suddenly, two funk trolls were thrown in, and the cage was locked again.

" King Quincy, Queen Essence?" Viva was completely surprised. The funk royals were the last people she would expect to be captured.

They actually had a plan!

" You didn't give Trollzart your string, you?" Asked Trollex.

" Um, yeah." King Quincy.

" You don't understand." Queen Essence quickly added." He threatened to kill our children!"

Viva held her hands to her face. Their children? That's awful!

"... I completely understand." Viva said. " I don't know what I'd do if Trollzart tried to do something to Poppy."

" You have a daughter, Queen Viva?" Trollex looked her.

" Wha- no no! Poppy's my little sister. She's the only thing I have after our parents die." Viva started tearing up. " She has the greyness."

" Oh." Queen Essence said concerned." I hope her treatment is going well."

" Wha- what treatment?" Viva asked." There's no cure for the greyness."

" Well, yes, that's true, but the symptoms can be relieved by heat." Queen Essence explained.

Viva thought about it.Heat That makes so much sense! That's why Poppy always wore leg and arm warmers!Pop village only had one day of winter, and on that day, Poppy couldn't move, speak, or remember Viva's name. Then she thought about something else. Ever since Poppy and Branch met, she barely had any symptoms, sure she was coughing, and she would still lose her memory , but the last time Poppy limbs stopped working was when she met Branch. If heat was what she needed, then maybe she should live somewhere where it was always hot.

" I hope she's okay. " King Quincy said.

" Well." Viva started whispering." I left her with our string and King Branch, so I know she is." Saying those words brought a smile to Viva's face.

And Trollzarts's.

. . . .

Poppy hated it when her arms wouldn't work. She couldn't scrapbook or hug people or even eat! But she had to find her sister. But she was so bored! It had been an hour since her arms stopped working. Branch was off doing something, and Barb had been playing some song on a guitar. It was pretty good. Until lunchtime.

" Poppy, are you hungry?" Barb asked her.

" Uh no." Her growling stomach said otherwise.

" Ok." Barb said as she promptly lifted Poppy up to the best of her abilities and carried her to the kitchen.

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