Chapter four: Hidden

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That's all Viva heard.


The classical trolls had made their made to Techno Reef. Viva prayed that the techno trolls would know what to do and fix everything. Sadly, her prayers weren't answered.

Fourteen minutes. That's all it took.


Viva looked across from her cage and saw the king of the techno trolls

" Tie him up! And someone, take that atrocious helmet off him!" Trollzart yelled. The techno troll was promptly tied in the same white rope as Viva's were. Then a classical troll tried pull Trollex's helmet off, but it was on there pretty tight , so they needed help after five minutes of struggling it was finally off, revealing gigantic scars all across his face.

" King Trollex, are you alright?" Viva asked him.

" Queen Viva? I'm alright. I've clearly been through worse." Trollex said, showing off his scarred face." Where are we?"

" We're in Trollzarts's dungeon. " Viva said plainly. " Did you give him your string?"

" Hell no."  He answered. " I would never. You?"

" Of course not." Viva chuckled.

" How come we're the only ones in this cage?" Trollex asked.

" Not sure.  Maybe he wants us alone 'cause we're the leaders."

" Maybe. So, got an escape plan?"

" Oh, there will be no escaping." A voice came from in front of the cage. Obviously, it was Trollzart. He was standing in the middle of two trolls, each holding what looked like the hammers you  used to hit those strength test things at the carnival, but these were more ornate. They were white with gold carvings, and Viva couldn't see it from where she was, but it looked like there was blood on it?

" So, where are my strings ?" Trollzart asked.

" Nowhere!" Trollex yelled.

" Ok then, " Trollzart turned to Viva."Queen Viva ?"

" What he said." Viva spat.

Trollzart facepalmed . " Well then, Sergei, Ludwig , you know what to do. The two classical trolls flew towards royal trolls, lifted their hammers and them....




Then silence

. . .

The trip to Volcanic Rock City was unbearable. Once Branch re-explained what happened to the pop trolls, Poppy was back in tears. It was even worse when they landed. As they went inside Branch's house. Poppy ran into their guest bathroom.

" Branch," Barb asked as she was Poppy running.  " What's with Poppy?"

" Uh, well, the classical trolls attacked pop village." Branch mumbled out.

" Why?"

" It probably has something to do with this letter." Grandma Rosiepuff said. She was suddenly behind Branch.

" Grandma!" Branch said , shocked."Where did you come from?"

" Unimportant. Rosiepuff said.What matters right now is , do the classical trolls have the pop string?" "

" No." Branch said. " But they took all the pop trolls, including Viva."

"Well, that explains why Poppy's crying her eyes out. Poor thing." As Rosiepuff said this, Poppy  came out of the bathroom, her dull pink face stained with tears.

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