New Exprience

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                                                                            Miyuki's POV
I've been living in the one piece world for 2 months, in those 2 months I've gotten to know luffy and Makino better. Makino said I should explore the island and make some friends, so I decided to explore the forest on the island. I was walking around and I started to get hungry I probably should have brought some food. I decided to look for something to eat when something caught my eye, a bush with some fruits on it. I was about to pick one when it suddenly started to morph I was taking aback and fell , it turned from red to a bluish purple with two stems. ( Like the one from the devil fruit page).

I look at it and realize that it's a devil fruit, I've never seen it before in the anime nor manga so I don't know what it does. I ponder if i should eat it and risk getting a terrible power or an altered look , I decide to eat it since I can't swim either way and I might get a cool power. I take a deep breath and pick the fruit , I bite into it and I almost spit it out it taste terrible I put my hands over my mouth and swallow. I fall to the ground I take some deep breaths, I don't have anything different about me that's a plus but what's my ability. I ponder for a minute but decide to think about it later , I pick another fruit and eat it since I'm still hungry.

I spend two hours trying to figure out what my Powers are nothing worked,I get up I walk out of the forest and go back to the bar with Makino ill explore the island more tomorrow.                                                                

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