Author's note.

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Author's note!

Hello and thank you for choosing to read my book💗

• My name is Angela, I'm an amateur writer who is bored and wants to create a little something that is intentioned mainly for entertainment purposes, face claims and people mentioned aren't targeted for harmful purposes at all! This is a fictional work and I would like to express my immense respect and admiration for anyone mentioned here!
The characters are my own work, yes I used some faces for artistic inspiration but I was the one who shifted their character and their personalities, please understand the difference between inspiration and representation, I was inspired by these people but in no way am I trying to represent them or claiming that this is how they are in real life! This is purely made up and fictional.

• an important point I would like to clarify is that this story isn't precisely a reflection of real life, for example the location here isn't exactly real, although I use real places I still shifted them and changed them to fit my story telling, I'm not italien and I've never been to Italy before, nothing in my story is factual, yet I tried my best to make it realistic and real!

• English is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any inconveniences and mistakes, I tried my best.

• This is my work, I don't appreciate anyone stealing it, please respect the time and effort I spent to create this.

• I am open to receiving criticism and feedback, but please be respectful to me, and to everyone here, rude comments will simply get deleted.

• I respect the culture that inspired me to write this, I respect the occupations I chose for my characters, Any mistakes isn't coming from a bad place, it is merely my ignorance, I apologize about it and I'm open to get educated.

• I will also try to make this a little short! So I don't drift away from the story, the chapters are about 2000 words long, and I will try to update this as much as I can, but bear in mind that I'm a tired first year medical student who is suffering lol, please understand.

•please support this by voting for my chapters! I will appreciate that a lot and it would encourage me to update more!

Thank you for your understanding 🫶

"I love my solitude, but I was born to be a lover".

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