.°• Chapter 3: The Mistake •°.

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Grian launched his sword into the chest of a creeper, slicing upwards so it's flesh would split down the middle. "Joel's taking ages. It's night- he went at midday!" He sighed.

"I'm sure he'll be back soon" Jimmy believed, well half believed. Considering he's been this long he might've gotten into some trouble, but it's Joel. He's intelligent and ruthless, there was no chance he'd fail. A creeper trundled towards him, interrupting his train of thought. He leaped away from it, holding out his shield.

Grian added more gunpowder to his sack. "He better be. I mean, even if he does get his half an hour, he's still behind us"

Just then, a message appeared in chat:

Smallishbeans was burnt to a crisp while fighting InTheLittleWood

"Oh Joel" Grian buried his head in his hands.

A creeper snuck behind Grian and began to hiss before Jimmy launched himself at it, slicing it in two. "Silly man," He groaned upon reading chat, "How did he manage to set himself on fire?"

Grian exhaled, at least now he knew where Joel was. "I have no idea. He'll have respawned at bread bridge, we should go see what happened"

Jimmy and Grian rushed to get to bread bridge as soon as possible, and while looking for Joel, saw him peacefully yanking wheat out of the ground.

"Joel!" Grian yelled accusatory, "What were you thinking? You've only got an hour or so left and- and how on earth did you set yourself on fire!?"

Joel adjusted his slightly charred leather jacket, "Long story".

Jimmy stormed up to him, his jaw clenched, "Do you want to die or what? Why would you waste your time farming wheat like this, you've got time to make up for!"

Joel looked up at Jimmy, whose hands were balled up in fists by his sides, slightly hurt, "I'm setting up a trap beneath bread bridge. The stupid clockers keep farming our wheat so if they step on this they'll blow up this time"

Jimmy unclenched his fists, his angry glare turning to respect. He didn't know why he'd ever doubt Joel, but it'd look stupid if he just stopped being angry. "What if they don't walk on the bridge, Joel? We haven't got forever"

"We lure them- Tim, put on chat now that you urgently need to speak to the Clockers at Bread Bridge, now!". Grian swept the front of his hair back, laughing, "Joel you genius!"

Jimmy puts the message in chat, holding his breath. He didn't have time for this, none of them did. Time was the one thing everyone had in common, their life was limited, so, so limited. A few seconds could be the difference between life and death and they had no control. But he would soon, he promised himself. He would break out of the cycle, whatever it took, like the watcher promised he could.

Goodtimeswithscar: Coming now

Jimmy turned around to see the family assembling on their side of the bridge. Cleo, Scar and BDubs, all there, just waiting suspiciously for what they were gonna say. Oh my god, what were they gonna say? Jimmy glanced urgently at Grian, but he responded with a cool gaze.

"What's this urgent meeting about then?" Cleo raised an eyebrow.

Grian stepped forward, adjusting his tattered leather jacket. "We've been thinking, you know, we've not been on the best terms lately, so we thought we'd come to a... Mutually beneficial arrangement"

Joel snorted in the background, mouthing to Jimmy something like 'Fancy words', only to have his shins kicked by Grian.

Bdubs narrowed his eyes, "What, like an-"

"Alliance?" Scar finished. He glanced at them thoughtfully, as if he was considering it.

"Exactly like that," Said Grian, "Look, we've seen the light. We want to put this feud behind us and work towards helping eachother out. Do you agree?"

Cleo narrowed her eyes at them, sceptical. Joel stepped in front of Grian, looking confident as ever.

"Come on Cleo. We'd be an unstoppable team. With our skills, charm, friendship, good looks -you get the point- and your... Familyship, we could win this"

Cleo stays silent for a moment before turning to the rest of the Clockers. "Let us talk about it first" They huddled, whispering inaudibly. Grian turned to Joel.

"Come on Joel" He hissed, "I was selling it!"

Joel grinned, "It looked pretty funny to me, lad"

"Seriously, Joel" Jimmy glared at him. He only had one chance and Joel wasn't going to screw it up. "Get over yourself for once".

Joel widened his eyes at Jimmy, holding his heart with his hands.

"Alright" Cleo called from their end of the bridge, "We've made our decision"

Jimmy held his breath, stepping away from Joel, who looked like he'd been punched in the stomach.

"We'll give it a shot. But if we make this alliance, no backstabbing, or I swear you're dead. Deal?" They held out an inviting hand.

"Deal" Joel stepped forward to shake hands with Cleo, but while doing so a hiss sounded under the bridge, and a pressure plate clicked.

Word count: 847 words

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