.°• Chapter 2: The SkyNet •°.

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The bad boys were climbing up the ladder to SkyNet, an expansive and thin web of dirt connecting the whole of their world. Despite it being incredibly useful, it wasn't extremely safe; sometimes it felt like walking on some fatal tightrope, mainly because it was.

Jimmy gulped as he thought of this. As fond as he was of the idea of breaking the cycle, that still wouldn't change his opinions on the SkyNet, it was a deathtrap.

"Is it time for the Sadder Badder Ladder podcast, lads?" Joel grinned, looking down warmly at Jimmy. He could tell Jimmy seemed a bit down, and the podcast always cheered him up.

Jimmy chuckled, "About time we had another episode!". His muscles relaxed, briefly forgetting about how high up he was.

"I've got a good topic," Grian said from above Joel, "Peanut butter, crunchy or smooth?"

Jimmy chuckled, his answer was obvious to him, "Crunchy, definitely. If you like smooth, you need to go to jail. Imagine peanut butter sandwiches without the crunch, what's the point?"

"You're right there lad" Joel agreed.

"What! What's the point in crunchy, that's just the factory not being asked to blend it all up, are you insane?" Grian looked down at the both of them from his place of the ladder, looking disgusted.

"Shut up Grian, you stupid fool." Joel laughed, then looked down at Jimmy, "I think Grian's a bit mad, boys"

Grian sighed with a mock sadness, "That comment makes me a bit sad, boys".

The bad boys wrapped up the podcast as they reached the top of the ladder. Jimmy looked ahead at the one block dirt network; it sure would be an easy way to plummet to death.

"How much time have you boys got left?" Grian said, adjusting the hair underneath his sunglasses.

Joel rolled up the sleeve of his leather jacket, a red glow illuminating his face "Just under two and a half hours".

This made Jimmy's blood run cold for a second. He didn't like the pressure the ticking time brought with it. There wasn't enough of it to make a grand show of his unpredictable side like the Watcher asked, but he'd find ways to sow chaos regardless, starting with the Clockers.

"Well," Grian brandished a TNT minecart, "If we time this just right, we'll get a good half an hour each, maybe more".

At this, the boys beamed at eachother. The prospect of having more time together was desirable.

Adrenaline pumped through Jimmy's body as Grian marched forwards across the bridge, Joel following with some Minecart rails in his arms. He had every intention of making the most out of his time. Maybe his half an hour could turn into a full one, who knows? If he could cause as much death and chaos as he could from up the network, he could finally break from the cycle, just like the watcher said he could.

"Guys!" Grian yelled, "It's Scar and Cleo!"

Below them, Scar and Cleo were conversing by their rock. Jimmy took a deep breath; this was the opportunity he was waiting for, and he was not going to waste it.

"That's like an hour's worth of time!" Joel grinned, but his smile soon faded, "But that's only enough for two of us, one of us is gonna have to kill someone else". Joel glanced worriedly at Jimmy. "Lads, you can take these guys. I'll find myself someone else, you know, for a challenge"

"Joel" Grian giggled, "You don't have to pretend you're not a teddy bear, we all know you're a huge softie"

Joel rolled his eyes and blew his green streak of hair away from his face, "Pfft, you know they're too easy for me." But a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

Once Joel had laid down the tracks, Grian was just about to place the TNT minecart before Jimmy tapped him on the shoulder.

"I've got this one, mate" Jimmy looked more determined than he ever had been.

"Go on, Tim" Grian nodded, stepping back to let Jimmy take the spotlight.

"Will do". Jimmy didn't have much of a plan, but that was fine. Bring unpredictable wasn't about having plans. It's about acting on impulse, on gut feelings.

"PUSH THE MINECART NOW, JIM!" Joel yelled from behind him.

This is the moment he had been waiting for. He sprinted forwards, giving the Minecart a giant shove. Some sticks of dynamite came loose from the cart as it fell down on a direct collision course with the Clockers below. Scar and Cleo disappeared in a burst of shock and flame, knocking them back and letting their lifeless bodies crack against stone. The destruction brought him peace of mind, his victory appearing in chat. He did it, he actually did it.

He could break the cycle.

Word count: 805 words

I hope you lovely lot are enjoying the story so far, I apologise for any errors that I may have missed during editing <3

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