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I opened my eyes to see the sunlight creeping in through the blinds. I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep and decided that I should probably get up except, there was one problem. Roman. The man was practically laying on top of me and I knew there was no way that I would be able to push him off of me. Compared to Roman's tall muscular lean body, I am around average height with absolute no muscles. I blame that on the fact that I would rather sleep than do physical exercise.

I tried to turn over, but the weight of his body was crushing me. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that I was SWEATING BUCKETS. Is Roman on fire or something because I thought I was going to die from the heat his body was emitting. I actually missed the coldness from the night prior.

"Roman can you please wake up. I'm sweating because of you.", I said as nudged him lightly trying to wake him up.


Of course he wouldn't wake up. Roman has a bad habit of basically dying when he's asleep. Once he's out, no one can wake him from his deep slumber.

"Hey Oliver, you need to get up for sch-...", my mom said as she entered my room.

She stared at Roman in confusion, not knowing that my childhood friend had spent the night.

"I guess Roman is here. You both need to get up so you don't miss your first period.", she said while smiling at me.

"I would if I could move. This boulder is crushing me and I might die of a heat stroke.", I replied with pleading eyes.

She laughed and said, "Now you know how it feels to get a hot flash!"

She left my room to leave me to suffer. I'm convinced my mom only had me so she could torture me. I sighed and pushed Roman again, but this time a lot harder. He didn't even budge! I knew what I had to do, and I usually use it as a last resort. I typically don't like to use it because he gets mad at me. Oh well. I quietly moved my hand under the covers and reached for his stomach. I gave it a hard pinch and braced for the yelling I was about to get.

"What the hell Oli!", Roman yelled angrily.

"I'm sorry but I thought I was going to be crushed to death if I didn't wake you up!," I said hoping he would understand.

He rubbed his stomach and glared at me. I looked into his dark eyes and made the sweetest face I could possibly make. I was practically begging him with my eyes to let it go. He let out a long sigh and stared at me.

"Alright whatever. You have to make me breakfast if you want me to forgive you.", he said.

"Deal!", I replied with a smile.

We both stumbled out of bed and slowly started to get ready for school. I changed out of my ducky pajama pants (Don't make fun of me. They are really comfortable) and put on jeans. I changed out of my night shirt and pulled on a oversized sweater. I continued with my morning routine as Roman changed out of his clothes. Since he stays over a lot, he has his own section in my closet filled with his clothes.

After we both finished getting ready, we made our way down stairs so I could make breakfast. I decided to make pancakes and some eggs to go along with it. I started mixing the batter when I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist and a head on top of mine.

"You're getting in the way of my cooking!", I told Roman with an annoyed tone.

"Hmmm...", he replied.

"Seriously get off because it's harder with you laying on me.", I told him.

"Can't I just stay here for another minute?", he whispered into my ear.

I felt a shiver crawl up my spine and a slight blush appeared on my cheeks. 'What's wrong with me.', I thought but chose to ignore the inner turmoil I was going through. I sighed and pushed him off of me and continued cooking. He sat across the counter and watched me work.

After I finished making breakfast and we both devoured the meal, we loaded up into Roman's car. He always drove us to school because I don't have my license. I have a phobia of driving. Seeing an object coming at you at seventy miles an hour is terrifying. As we made our way along to school, I turned up the radio to fill the silence. We normally don't talk on our way to school because we are both still a bit sleepy, but the silence isn't uncomfortable. I normally turn on the radio in hope that it will help to wake me up a bit more.

I groaned internally when I could see the school off in the distance. I hate school. I have no friends except for Roman because I'm extremely shy. I choose not to talk at school because I suffer from a slight stutter. Since I'm comfortable around Roman and my mom my stutter doesn't really happen a lot. It usually makes it's appearance when I'm nervous. Because of this, I get picked on. It's only by one person and he's the bane of my existence.


That guy makes my life a living hell. I haven't told Roman that he's bullying me because I know he'll go ballistic. Ryan knows this too, so he never does anything to me when Roman's around. I know I should tell him, but I'm tired of him thinking I need to constantly be looked after. He's extremely protective over me since in the past, I was bullied because of my stutter. If he knew it was happening again, well, I don't even want to imagine what would happen to Ryan.

As Roman pulled into his usual parking spot, I stared at the tall building in front of us. I wish I could already graduate. Luckily this is our last year and then I'll never have to see this building or Ryan again. My hands started to become clammy and I felt nauseous. Being in large crowds always made me nervous, but I know I need to do it if I want a diploma.

"Oli, it'll be fine. I'll see you in second block and then we can eat lunch together.", Roman said as he turned to look at me.

Roman and I don't have many classes together. We share second block (calculus) and fourth block (gym). I'm alone during first and third block. I don't mind being alone but stupid Ryan is in my first block. I sigh and turn to look at Roman.

"I got this!", I say rather unconvincingly.

"You got this!", he replied.

We both got out of the car and headed toward the building. I could feel my heart beating faster as I prepared myself for the most likely bad day I was about to experience. I told myself that all would be fine and entered the building.

Unfortunately I was wrong.

What Are You Hiding, Roman Hart?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora