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-"May I come in?" someone knocked on the door.

-" Yeah." I said still focused flipping the papers.

To my surprise it was Hyunjin. He came inside with a file in his hands.

-"What are you doing?" he asked me as I was still focused on my computer and papers.

-"Is there any problem?." Hyunjin asked me while sitting on the chair infront of me.

I sigh and and placed the paper on my desk. -"It's just some stock downfall issues."

-"Oh, let me see." Saying that he came behind me leaning towards the computer to have a look,
While being just inches away from my face.

-"That Youngsu, I'll kill him once I find him. " I said as he hummed in response.

After noticing that we were just inches away i cleared my throat as he made an eye contact with me.

-"So,What made you come here?" I asked him as he again went to sit infront of me while playing with a lighter.

-"I just came here to make things more clear.." he said while handling me a paper.

-"What's it?"


I was shocked while reading it " Why is there my and his name in it?" I thought to myself.

-"It'll be easier to catch him with an act." He said making an eye contact with me.

-" Like a Disguise?"

-"Whatever you think Mrs.Y/n."


End of part 2, hope you liked it (♪⁠~('⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)

• THE DISGUISE • | Hwang Hyunjin |Where stories live. Discover now