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Chapter 965: Class Reunion (Part 1)

Little Qingchen initially wanted to go to school with his elder brother. He held his head up high and sat upright, holding a pen in hand as he took down passages for dictation in his book.

He wrote for a while, sometimes swiveling his head to peek at his brother's seat. It's vacant. Then, he turned his head back around and focused on his work again, seeming like a well-behaved student.

Baili Shangxie had told him that once school was over in the afternoon and mealtime was done with, he would come with Baili Jia Jue to pick him up.

Little Qingchen remembered those words, and would periodically turn around to glance behind him.

Midday arrived and Little Qingchen, as usual, would open up his school bag to retrieve the food that was packed for him. With bulging cheeks, he gulped down the bottle of milk that Pretty Wei Wei had prepared for him, before reaching for his lunch box with his small hands.

Ever since Helian Wei Wei had become a mother, it was a routine that she would never let slip from her mind.

Perhaps, it was because she grew up without her parents.

Thus, when Helian Wei Wei took care of Little Qingchen, she would always be especially attentive in certain aspects. Meals would always be prepared well and placed beautifully in a small lunch box. She would even make some warm soup for him to drink.

Little Qingchen, who had only been to school for a few days, soon became the subject of envy among his fellow classmates.

The dishes were so impressive, even the greens and mushrooms that they disliked were cut into adorable shapes by Helian Wei Wei.

Little Fatty Cheng was unimpressed, and his fat face twisted into a sneer as he mocked, "You can't afford to buy lunch, so you need to bring one from home. A country bumpkin will always be a country bumpkin."

After learning his lesson from the previous time, Little Fatty Cheng no longer dared to approach Little Qingchen, nor raise a hand against him. He could only keep his distance and taunt him with a quip or two.

The young children in the kindergarten had yet to figure out the connection between Baili Shangxie and Little Qingchen.

If Little Fatty Cheng found it out, he definitely would not dare to provoke Little Qingchen, as he feared Baili Shangxie. He may be surrounded by many classmates, but Little Fatty Cheng knew that many of the children in this kindergarten wanted Baili Shangxie to be their boss.

Mother had promised him previously. Wait for another two days and she will get rid of the two eyesores from my sight, especially the country bumpkin in front of me. He's poor and pretentious. He had disliked him from the moment that he laid eyes on him. He may be handsome, but he still hated him for always stealing the limelight.

Little Qingchen simply ignored him. He was waiting for his brother and had no desire to speak to anyone.

Little Fatty Cheng saw this and his mood was instantly lifted. He was very arrogant because of his wealthy family, so he turned to the other children in his class and announced, "My mom will be here in a Range Rover in a while, to pick me up and go to Starbucks for some good food. Who wants to eat Starbucks' butter cake? I won't mind bringing some back for you."

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