Rumi:Hey baby!I didn't know you would be here.
Run walks up to Izuku as the two warmly embrace each other.Rumi gives Izuku a kiss and the two converse.
Izuku:What brings you here?
Rumi:I was just taking a nice little break here, and then I found you.
Izuku:I'm here with the class on a field trip. We're trying to train some more.But now we're taking a break at this bath house
Mineta walks up to the couple with a sly smile.
Mineta:I just asked the owners something.and guess what they said?Couples can get a room just for themselves.
Mineta holds up a key and gives it to Izuku.
Rumi and Izuku shyly blush and turn super red.Rumi grabs Izuku's shoulder with a shy smile.
Rumi:Shall we?
The couple walks together to their room. Mineta chuckles triumphantly.Mina walks up to him and rubs his head.
Mina:Aw,that was nice of you.
Mineta:I have my moments.
Izuku and Rumi walk into their room and see a changing room for boys and girls,they separate and remove their clothes,only having towels. They step out and gaze upon each other.They both smile shyly and sit down in the tub together.Izuku lets out a relieved sigh he didn't even know he was holding.
Rumi:Someone's happy to be having this vacation.
Izuku:What can I say?It's been...stressful these past few days.
Rumi:Yeah,I agree.Come here
Izuku shyly steps over to Rumi as she pulls him close to her in a warm embrace.Izuku wraps his arms around her as the two awkwardly but happily rest in each other's embraces.Hours pass as the classes leave and head back to the building,Mandalay has made food for the whole class.As they eat,Izuku has finished his food and sees Mandalay about to go outside, assumingely to give Kota food.
Izuku:Actually,if you don't mind,I could give it to him while you eat.
Mandalay:I appreciate that.
Izuku goes outside to a far location on top of a mountain.He sees Kota sitting atop a mountain.
Izuku:Hey there.
Kota:Go away.
Izuku:This is for you,Mandalay made it.
Kota eyes before putting his head down.
Izuku leaves as Kota eyes his food again,but he actually grabs it this time.He slowly eats it. Eventually he eats the whole thing before hearing footsteps from his left.He looks to see a large man in a cloak with a mask
???;Hey there kid.Cool hat,wanna trade?
Kota stands up and steps away shaking, intimidated by the man.
The man stepped forth at blinding speeds, appearing right above Kota,he is about to throw a punch before being kicked away by a flaming leg.Kota looks above him to see Izuku.
Izuku was silent,suddenly he turns around and puts his hand out.Kota is suddenly wrapped in flames,but somehow isn't burned,
Izuku:Find one of the pros and tell them there's a villain on the premises.
Izuku swings his hand down as Kota starts flying at high speeds down the mountain.
???:Damn,that was a good kick!
Izuku looks back at the man intensely,the man smiles sinisterly and removes his mask and cloak.

???:Damn,that was a good kick!Izuku looks back at the man intensely,the man smiles sinisterly and removes his mask and cloak

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Muscular:Now it's my turn!
Muscular jumps forth at surprising speeds,he thrusts both his feet forward in a drop kick. Izuku puts his flaming arms up to block,but still feels severe pain as he is sent off of his feet.
Izuku recovers to see muscular's muscle strands wrapping around his body.
Muscular:My quirk enhances my muscles to the point that they can't be contained in my skin!By the way,is your name...Izuku Midoriya?
Izuku is shocked,how would a villain know his name?
Muscular:I'll take that as a yes.
Izuku silent as he wraps his limbs in fire again,the flames begin to compress and shrink.
The flames stop shrinking and bust with energy.
Izuku charges forth at muscular as the two clash.Muscular is surprisingly able to keep up with Izuku.

What if deku had a quirk?Version 1Where stories live. Discover now