~.+Truth or Dare+.~

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Nikolai dropped Soap, Ghost, and (Y/N) back at base, and they were greeted by Gaz, Price, and Laswell. Price shook Soap's hand, patted Ghost's back, and hugged (Y/N).

"I'm glad to see all safe." he confided. "You three did well out there."

Soap nodded. "We broke Romanova." he said quite proudly.

"How?" Price asked, bewildered. Laswell crossed her arms. "Enhanced financial interrogation." she replied. Gaz exchanged glances with Soap. "Shepherd's intel payed off."

"It's our intel now." Laswell corrected him.
"What do we have that's actionable?" Price questioned Laswell, opening the map in front of them.

Laswell pointed at St. Pertersburg. "One of Romanova's many shell companies purchased an abandoned building complex in St. Pertersburg for the Konni Group." she explained to him.

Gaz hummed. "When?"

"Recently." Ghost answered him, standing next to Price, who thought for a moment. "Probably a Konni outpost." Price suggested logically. Ghost nodded in agreement.
"That'd be my bet, Captain."

"So did you locate it?" (Y/N) asked Laswell, who nodded.
"Yes. I located the building. Recent satellite images shows a recovery balloon on the roof."

"Only good reason for that is quick removal of something you don't want found." Gaz murmured.

"Or someone." Soap added, pinning Makarov's picture on the table with a pin. But Laswell sighed.
"The complex is a maze."

But Price seemed determined. "Gaz will sweep from the bottom up. I'll overwatch the rooftop with fire support."

"How do we extract?" Gaz asked him. Laswell shook her head.
"Helo's too risky." she warned them. "You boys catch anything worth bringing home. Nikolai will pull you out via Fixed Wing. If Makarov's there, get him, Bravo."

Price nodded, before looking at the rest of the members of the Task Force. "Soap, Ghost, and (Y/N), stay here. You three have done enough for now."

"Be careful, Cap." Soap said, shaking hands with Price.

(Y/N) waved at both Price and Gaz. "Good luck out there!" she said cheerfully. Ghost nodded at them.
"You better come back in one piece."

"Haha, we will, Ghost!" Gaz said, following Nikolai and Price into the chopper. As the chopper took off, Laswell headed off to the communications centre, while the three of them headed back inside.

"So," Soap began. "What do we do now, L.T?" he asked, looking at Ghost. (Y/N) smirked, earning a glance from Ghost. "What's so funny, newbie?" he snapped. (Y/N) crossed her arms.

"I want to give you a nickname, too." she remarked playfully. Ghost grumbled while Soap seemed amused, because he laughed. "Don't. L.T is enough for me." Ghost muttered.

As (Y/N) looked disappointed, Soap pat her back. "Don't get too upset, rookie." he smirked. "Ghost here is known for being quite stoic." (Y/N) raised an eyebrow in interest.
"Stoic, huh? How about...Mr Stoic, M.S for short?" she teased him.

Ghost looked away. "Do what you want, you stupid rookie. I don't care."

(Y/N) was slightly hurt, but an unknown look in Ghost's eyes subsided it rather quickly. Ghost just grumbled and sat on the sofa, cleaning his rifle. Soap pat (Y/N)'s back and chuckled, which made Ghost glare at him.

"Ey, rookie. Don't be so disappointed. You know Ghost, always the one that doesn't understand the fun." he laughed. Ghost glared at him.

"You're one to talk, Soap." he retorted back, clenching onto his gun. Soap chuckled, sitting next to Ghost, who flinched away. Soap put an arm around his shoulders teasingly.
"Aw, come on Ghost. Don't be so shy." he teased him.

Ghost just rolled his eyes and put his gun back into its sheath. He then turned his gaze to (Y/N) and beckoned her to sit next to him.

"Ey Rook. Come sit." he said, making room for her next to him, though Soap lacked it. (Y/N) hesitated, before sitting next to the muscular man. She felt oddly safe near him, and she wasn't sure if it was because of his body size or his cold personality.

"What are you staring at?" he snapped at her abruptly, making her flinch. (Y/N) quickly looked away.

"Nothing. Sorry." she muttered, making Ghost sigh. "No need to be. I'm sorry." he murmured, taking Soap off guard. Soap smiled cheekily at Ghost.

"L.T! What's gotten into ya? You never apologize first!" he exclaimed, laughing. Ghost pushed him away, annoyed.
"Sometimes apologies are called for, Johnny." he replied bluntly.

(Y/N) just watched the situation unfold with confused eyes. Ghost looked at her for a split second, before looking away again.

Soap then leaned back on the sofa, crossing his arms. "This is getting boring. How 'bout a game of truth or dare?" he suggested. "What d'you say, Rook?" (Y/N) was about to reply, when Ghost interrupted her.

"That's my nickname for her." he stated, narrowing his eyes. "Don't call her that."

Soap seemed confused, but he let out a laugh. "Seems like the game has already started. Now, (Y/N). Truth or dare?" he asked her curiously. (Y/N) thought for a moment, before replying: "Truth."

"Going safe, are you?" Soap teased her, while Ghost was silent. "Alrighty, then. Tell me, what do you think of Ghost here? Can't call him handsome; we don't know his face. But what about his personality? His physique?"

Ghost flinched, and glared at Soap, before sighing and turning his gaze to look at (Y/N). (Y/N) shrugged.
"M.S is a good shooter, I guess. Accurate, and swift...He's a trusty wingman." she said.

"Thanks." Ghost said sarcastically, adjusting his skull mask and balaclava. "A lot."

Soap let out a hearty laugh, hitting his own lap in his excitement. "Come on, L.T. Don't be too hard on our rookie here. We're just trying to have some fun!"

But Ghost rolled his eyes. "Your term of 'fun' is very different to mine, Soap." Ghost remarked, crossing his arms. "And I don't care whether she's a rookie or not. I'll treat her the same as I treat anyone else in this team."

(Y/N) tipped her head. She wasn't sure if that meant a good thing or not. She just crossed her arms and let out an unconscious yawn. Soap smiled.
"Get some rest, (Y/N). You've had quite the mission, and made it out okay. Let's hope that Price and Gaz will too."

"But what about the Truth or Dare game?" (Y/N) pouted. Ghost sighed.
Soap smirked. "Alright, Ghost. Truth or dare?"

Ghost narrowed his eyes. "Dare."

"Great! I dare you to say something sweet to (Y/N)!" Soap laughed, making Ghost flinch.
"What?! I-I..."

"A dare's a dare, L.T." Soap reminded him. "You don't want a punch to the head, do ya?" Ghost groaned and turned to face (Y/N) who was sitting nervously next to him. Ghost let out a sigh before finally saying: "You're...nice, I guess. Yeah."

"Come on, Ghost! A bit more!" Soap coaxed him, making Ghost growl in a low tone. "I can't be satisfied with just that!"
Ghost clenched his fists. FINE! She's pretty, a good shooter, and a great partner! Happy?!"

(Y/N) immediately blushed, and stared at him in shock. As Ghost locked eyes with her, he let out a low snarl and looked away.

"Don't take that personally, rookie." he muttered. "I only said that because of the dare."
Soap eyed his friend. "Right. Because of the dare. That was so obvious."

As (Y/N) bit her lip, her attention was diverted to Laswell in the communications room. Hopefully Price and Gaz were alright.

But there was one thing she didn't know. As she looked towards where Laswell was standing, comming the other members of the team, a pair of eyes were looking at her.

A pair of eyes behind the mask.



1306 Words

Mr. Stoic | Simon 'Ghost' Riley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now