~.+Mission: Oligarch+.~

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Laswell, Ghost, Soap, and (Y/N) gathered together, getting ready for the mission. Ghost, surprisingly, was the first one to speak.

"What did we get from Shepherd?" he asked gruffly, adjusting his gear.
"How much of it came from Graves?" Soap added quickly.

"They're partners in crime, boys." Laswell reminded them bitterly. "Literally." Ghost said.

But Soap wasn't amused. "Right now they're our partners."
"I vetted their intel." Laswell explained. "It's good. They found Makarov's financier. She's an oligarch named Milena Romanova. Been doing Makarov's bidding behind the scenes for years."

Ghost crossed his arms. "Where is she?"

"A private island." Laswell replied, showing them the island on a map. "Isolated and remote..." Soap hummed. "And a perfect place to hide." (Y/N) pointed out.

"It's a fortress in paradise. Guess who runs security." Laswell sighed.
Ghost gritted his teeth. "Konni Group."

"The intel contained blueprints and the lay of the land." she said, showing them the blueprints by putting them on the table in front of them.

But (Y/N) frowned. "Isn't this illegal?" she muttered. Soap nodded along with her. "What are we looking for? As (Y/N) said, we can't roll up Milena." he said, looking confused.

Laswell nodded. "Not legally. But we can roll up her money. Island's got servers that can get us into her banking."

"We need to get past her security protocols." Ghost said.

"Someone out there has a FOB key. We find him, I can get a live line and crack it." Laswell assured him, pointing at the map. Soap then pointed at the bottom of the island, and at the waters.

"We'll infil from the water, and split up." he suggested. "I'll go for the FOB key. Ghost and (Y/N) secures the rear perimeter."

"You got it." (Y/N) reassured him, letting out a soft chuckle that eased the tense atmosphere.

"We'll need eyes." Ghost said.
Laswell showed them a picture of a drone. "I'll pilot a drone and coordinate from the air."
Ghost smirked, loading his gun. "I like what I'm hearing."

Soap pat his back, before patting (Y/N)'s. "Let's go follow the money."

The three of them, Soap, Ghost, and (Y/N), headed outside to get on the speedboat. After they all entered, Ghost turned on the switch and they began zooming off. They were at the private island in no time.

"Weapons hot, Johnny." Ghost remarked. "Storm's coming."

(Y/N) huffed. "I know this might be out of the question, but I want a nickname too." she said suddenly. Soap let out a chuckle, while Ghost just stared.
"We'll give you a nickname if you pass this mission." he promised. But Ghost just shrugged.

"I'll just give you one now, Rook." he muttered. "Short for rookie. Happy?"

"Rook? Seriously?" (Y/N) groaned. "People are gonna think I'm a cheat or something." Ghost shrugged. "I don't care."

"Give me a sitrep, guys." said Laswell through the comm, interrupting them.
"On target, Watcher. About to split up." Ghost replied.

"I got eyes in the sky, let's get to work, Bravo." she urged them. Soap then approached the edge of the speedboat and nodded at Ghost and (Y/N).

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