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"Seriously?! A rookie?" Soap exclaimed, his eyes wide in disbelief. Price sighed. He knew that this was going to go South. They had a prisoner to secure, and now, they had to deal with a newbie.

But Nikolai seemed calmer. "Soap. Think this through. We need more soliders to find Makarov. Perhaps this is what we need." Although Nikolai tried to persuade them, the others didn't seme impressed at all.

Ghost let out a low grumble. "We need to find Makarov, not deal with a rookie." he said harshly, making Laswell cross her arms.
"Well, like it or not boys, after you guys failed to secure that Sarin gas, we need more soldiers. And this 'rookie' was the best of the best." she reasoned, supporting Price.

"We'll see about that." Ghost remarked sharply, saying a rather harsh innuendo. Gaz smirked. "Ghost just being Ghost. Bring 'em in. When are they coming?"

"In fact," Laswell began. "They're right outside. Hey! Come in!"

Most of them: Soap, Ghost, Gaz and Nikolai were quite shocked, and their heads snapped to the door. The door slowly creaked open, and there, stood a soldier in all their gear. They held a rifle in their hands, and their expression seemed relaxed.

But most shocking of all, it was a girl.


(Y/N). The new 'rookie' of the Task Force. As soon as she stepped into the room, she could feel their attention on me. But to be honest, she felt quite confident.

"Introduce yourself." Captain Price said, offering her a warm smile. (Y/N) nodded in thanks. She already knew who he was; he was the one who recruited her, after all.

"Hello to all of you. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). It is a pleasure to be with you, and I will assist you as best as I can." she said cheerfully, making Nikolai smile.
"See? She's a good soldier. I'm sure she'll be...urm, helpful." he said awkwardly.

Ghost rolled his eyes. "She better." he muttered to himself, his deep voice and thick British accent making (Y/N) hum to herself in interest.

"The name's Nikolai." Nikolai said, shaking her hand. (Y/N) smiled. He seemed quite nice. Then, Soap and Gaz came up to her.

"I'm Soap. And this is Gaz." Soap introduced, pointing at Gaz who stood beside him. Gaz grinned.
"Let's burn Makarov's ass down together." he chuckled. (Y/N) laughed. "With pleasure."

"And I'm Laswell." Laswell said, giving her a sweet smile. Price laughed.
"She's the eyes of our missions." Then, all the attention went to one soldier. He seemed off, and to (Y/N) he seemed interesting.

He wore a black balaclava and a skull-shaped mask on his face. She could only see his eyes.

But as he turned to stare at her, she quickly looked away.

"Ah, that's just Ghost being Ghost." Price said, easing up the mood. "That's Ghost, our silent soldier."

"Pleasure." Ghost said shortly and simply, looking into her eyes for a moment, before looking away once again.

" Ghost said shortly and simply, looking into her eyes for a moment, before looking away once again

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