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As I slowly emerged from the depths of unconsciousness, my senses struggled to make sense of the world around me. The room seemed to sway gently, and a persistent dizziness clouded my thoughts. It was unclear whether I had been roused from a deep slumber or abruptly awakened from an unforeseen faint.

A peculiar sensation drew my attention to my forehead, where an unseen force seemed to grip onto my skin. Instinctively, I reached up, my fingers fumbling in the half-light of the room. As I touched my forehead, a strange object met my fingertips. With a mixture of confusion and curiosity, I began to pull it free, unraveling a thin thread that clung to my skin.

The moment the foreign object was liberated, a rush of relief swept over me, and the dizziness began to wane. With newfound clarity, I surveyed my surroundings. The room, unfamiliar and bathed in soft hues of dawn, slowly came into focus.

When I looked around, I saw all my other classmates lying unconscious, each with a mysterious object affixed to their foreheads. The room bore witness to an eerie stillness, broken only by the hushed rustle of someone's breath. Questions filled my mind as I surveyed the scene, grappling with the unsettling reality that surrounded me.

Amid the surreal tableau, my heart quickened with a mix of anxiety and determination. I couldn't comprehend the purpose of this strange occurrence, nor could I fathom the origin of the peculiar threads. It was then that my eyes, in their quest for answers, found Youra.

She lay on a bench beside Jun Hee, her features serene despite the surreal circumstances. A wave of relief washed over me at the sight of her, and I instinctively moved closer. As I reached out, cupping her cheek in my trembling hand, a connection sparked between us, transcending the mysterious events that had unfolded.

"Youra," I said, my voice a fragile thread in the silence.

There was no response, only the quiet breaths that escaped her lips. The weight of the unknown pressed upon me, but a subtle warmth emanated from the touch of her skin against my palm. Jun Hee remained unconscious beside her, adding another layer of complexity to the enigma that enveloped us.

"Youra...Youra..Yaaa Kim Youra!!!," I continued to call her name, my voice carrying a note of desperation. The room echoed with the emptiness of unanswered questions, and my attempts to rouse her seemed to dissolve into the stillness.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure approached, their presence felt more than seen in the subdued light.

As frustration gripped my senses, I flipped my hair back in a defiant motion, turning to confront the man who had emerged from the shadows. My eyes, ablaze with a mix of confusion and anger, pierced through the dim light to meet his gaze. The threat of Youra that still unconscious makes me feel more worry.

I demanded, my voice a low growl. "What's happening here?

The man remained stoic, offering no immediate response. Instead, my attention was drawn to a colossal screen behind him. Its luminous glow cast an unsettling illumination upon the room, revealing a trove of information about us—details that should have been private, now laid bare for scrutiny. My gaze snapped back to the man, demanding answers with an undertone of anger that simmered beneath the surface.

Silence lingered, thickening the air, until a woman emerged from the shadows, standing beside the enigmatic man. Her calm demeanor contrasted sharply with the tension that filled the room. With a measured tone, she inquired, "Do you remember us?"

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