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I never thought we'd have a last kiss~

I never imagined we'd end like this~


Youra sat in the dimly lit cafeteria, her thoughts heavy with the recent events. Jun Hee and the others had just finished helping move Hyun Ho's body to the freezer, leaving a somber atmosphere behind.

She stared into her cup of lukewarm coffee, the warmth of it doing little to ease the chill in her bones. The cafeteria,  now seemed eerily quiet.

Feeling weak and burdened by the weight of sadness after Hyun Ho's death, Youra slumped in her chair, her gaze fixed on the empty seat across from her. The absence of Kyung Jun added to the emptiness she felt inside. 

"I just needed someone to talk to," she whispered, as if hoping the walls could absorb her pain.

As Youra sat there, lost in the echo of her own whispered words, a tear escaped her eye and trickled down her cheek. The cafeteria's silence became a canvas for her internal struggle. She felt a heavy burden of guilt, her mind replaying the events leading to Hyun Ho's sacrifice.

"I don't know what to do right now," she mumbled, her voice trembling with emotion. "I feel so lost. If only I had been stronger or faster, maybe Hyun Ho wouldn't have had to..."

Her words caught in her throat as guilt tightened its grip on her heart. The weight of responsibility pressed down on her shoulders, and she blamed herself for the tragedy that unfolded.

 "He didn't need to die if it wasn't for me. It's all my fault." she confessed, her voice barely audible.

As Youra continued to cry to herself, a gentle hand rested on her shoulder, and she looked up, hoping to see Kyung Jun. However, to her surprise, it was her brother, Jun Hee, who had approached silently, his eyes reflecting the shared pain they both felt.

"Youra," he said softly, his voice filled with empathy. "stop crying."

She managed a weak smile through her tears, appreciating her brother's comforting presence. "Have they moved Mina's body to the freezer?...I don't expect she was executed by mafia." she asked, her voice still shaky from the weight of emotions.

Jun Hee nodded solemnly. "Yes, we took care of it" 

Youra nodded, grateful for the information, but her face is still red because of crying too hard. 

Her brother sighed, understanding the complexity of the situation. "I just want you to know,  it's not your fault." 

She wiped away her tears, trying to compose herself. "I just wish I could have been stronger, faster... maybe Hyun Ho wouldn't have had to..."

Jun Hee interrupted gently, "You can't blame yourself for things beyond your control." 

"I'm here for you, sis," Jun Hee said, giving her a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder.

As Youra continued to cry harder, Jun Hee gently guided her into his embrace, allowing her the solace to release the pain that weighed on her heart. He knew the depth of the bond between Youra and Hyun Ho, understanding that the loss had left a profound impact on his sister.

"It's okay to cry, Youra. Let it out," he whispered, offering a comforting presence.

Through sobs, Youra managed to speak, her words broken by the heaviness of her grief. "I just wish I could fix the misunderstanding between Hyun Ho and Kyung Jun last night. If I had done something differently, maybe everything would be okay."  

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