Chapter 29

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Today is the day. I'm stressed as hell, my stomach is dancing the tango and my heart is pounding. This feeling of something going wrong hasn't left me since that day.

Now, I am in my costume, ready. Well, as much as I can be. My hood is over my head and my mask is on. I have opted for the summer version of the costume as spring is coming and while fighting, I always feel too hot.

I've checked my costume with Mei before coming here, it's all good. I've checked on my friends, too, before joining the heroes at the front. We are attacking a building full of over a thousand villains and we have to arrest them all.

I stand next to Aizawa sensei. It reassures me to know him being here. He has become someone very important to me over the few last months, almost like a father figure. I have learnt to trust him.

The attacks begins. I ready myself. We first let the heroes with long range capacities do their thing. It lasts seven painful minutes. I can't help but think about Katsuki, who is in another city, evacuating people. I try to calm down, thinking about how he must be shouting on civilians.

Soon, we run toward the building and erupt though the doors. A lot of villains have been taken down, but there is still a lot to do. I fight with all my might. Mei has given me a gun with sedatives. I run upstairs and take out the guns. Making sure to check my surroundings at all time, I crouch down and shoot villains asleep from the guide bars.

I keep an eye on both the battlefield and around me. I aim at the dangerous criminals, the one who seem more ready to kill. Fortunately I have a lot of recharges, around two hundred and fifty so I don't hesitate to shoot all of them.

Suddenly, I feel a kick on my side. I lose my balance and I crash down. I trip my aggressor and throw a punch, putting my gun in its case. I don't recognize the villain, but he took me by surprise, I got distracted.

I grunt in pain when a blade hits me and perforates my biceps. I stand back up and jump over the villain, landing behind him. There, I aim for his pressure points. I hit the one in his neck with my pointer and middle finger, knocking him unconscious.

The man falls to the ground with a loud 'thud'.

As soon as this first fight is over, another villain jumps out of the shadow. I repeat the same course of action, effectively knocking him unconscious too. I do it again and again, I really start getting into this fight !

I hit as much villains as I can and shoot random ones around me. Fortunately, no hero was hit by my bullets.

Suddenly, something catches my eye. Keigo us upstairs. But there is fire around him ! It's his weakness, he probably needs help. I knock unconscious the last man and dash upstairs. I previously studied the architecture and plan of the building so I basically know it by heart. I run along the corridors until I finally arrive at the good floor. I don't have to search for to long as one of the rooms has blue reflects, obviously Dabi's fire. 

I hide behind the door and eavesdrop whatever is happening. I need to be able to evaluate the situation. I can hear distant grunting and some talking but I can't really make it out. I open the door and walk in on my tippy toes. No one's in the the room, but there is fire everywhere. The blue flames lick the wooden parquet and turn to ashed everything. The two fighting men are on the balcony. I reach the window and jump, landing on the balcony without having to pass by the door and at the same time, the fight. 

The scene on display makes me gasp. A villain, Twice, is lying on the floor, a red metallic feather stuck in his back. His mask is off, I can see the frozen horror on his face, his extremely pale skin, his bloodshot eyes and the tears strains which run down his face. I am so shocked that I don't hear anything anymore, I can only see the dead corpse of a broken man, who just wanted to help his friends. I did some research on him, I know his past, I know he shouldn't be the one to die. So many villains are so so so wrose than him, it is so unfair. I stumble back and I hit the wall behind me. 

Under The Mask MHA x OC (Bakugo's sister)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu