Chapter 18

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Okay, this will be my last warning. Huge spoiler ahead. Don't want to be spoiled? Don't read. That's my last word.

And things indeed got harder. 

After this, December flew by very quickly. I went to school with Katsuki and his friends and I'm actually really proud to say that my grades are as good as Yaomomo's. Every night, I hunted down villains and I avoided as much as possible the reporters everywhere. And on the time I had left, I hacked into random places to check the cameras and I actually found a lot of things about the past of each member of the league. Well, I didn't do that much researches about Dabi and Shigaraki but I'm going to do it tonight. 

It's already the last day of school of the year. Next time I come to school it's going to be next year. It's weird to say, uh? Well, during the holidays, I'm going to be very busy. First, we are going to have Christmas with the class. Obviously. Boisterous Christmas. Then, at home, we see the family. 

Then I'm going to have to sneak out of the house to do my vigilante work. I mean, not that it's going to be hard but I don't want to. Do heroes and vigilantes take days off? I hope so. And I'm going to go to the fucking meeting about the League and blah blah blah. Then the New Year, then, yay, go back to school! I'm so happy about it (I'm obviously being sarcastic). Then Katsuki is going on his internship with fucking Endeavor and during that time, I'll finally be able to get out more.

I think I'm going to see Hawks a bit during the day because he is tired because of his undercover mission. He won't help me a lot during the night but I will talk to him during the day. I'll manage. The only problem is my name is Kurokage, this especially means that I'm only going out during the night. I guess I'll have to get some disguise or to go out as ✨myself ✨. 

Oh no! That means I'm going to see Endeavor! No seriously he gives out the same vibes as Dabi so either he is a damn villain either they are the same family and I mean, they look alike but, hey, let's not be extreme. 

But, hey, now that I think about it, they do have the exact same creepy blue eyes. Just like Todoroki's left eye. It's very beautiful and light. I do realize that I'm complimenting a villain and an asshole but I'm only stating facts. 

Plus Dabi is really tall and has a fire quirk. He must be like, Todoroki's cousin or something. Maybe I could intrude in Endeavor's house to look in their family albums? Or maybe I could get myself invited? Or maybe get invited as Kurokage? I don't know, maybe-

"Miss Bakugo, could you traduce this to us please?" Present Mic's voice cuts my train fo thoughts. At first I'm confused but then I notice a sentence, written in English on the board. 

"It means 'The cat sitting on top of the tree is trying to catch a bird in a nest', sir" I answer in a calm voice. He seems surprised. 

"Well, if you are that good with languages, then traduce this to us" He angrily writes on the white board. Katsuki snickers in the front of the class. " What is it, Bakugo?" 

"Nothing, just laughing at your helplessness against a fifteen-year-old." He states, his voice dripping of insolence and mockery. The students in the class all muffle their laughs, less or more respectfully. 

The teacher frowns before turning back to me and expectingly pointing at the board.

'L'homme entra dans la boulangerie et acheta 3 baguettes et deux pains au chocolat, qu'il mangerait le lendemain au petit déjeuner avec sa tendre épouse.'

"It means 'The man entered the bakery and bought three baguettes and two pains au chocolat, which he was going to eat the next day for breakfast with his dear wife'." This time, my voice is clearly annoyed. 

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