Chapter 8

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At eight in the morning exactly, Katsuki and I are currently walking in Yuei's corridors. He leads the way.

I've followed my brother for ten minutes already and we met no one. Finally we arrive to the 1A classroom. The room is filled with chats and laugher.

I look around nervously and hide behind Kat. I don't want to draw attention. Kirishima makes his way toward us.

"Hey Bakubro! Feeling better? How are you? And what about your sister?" He... Asked about... Me? Oh my god. I have a strange feeling in my stomach. Like if someone was tickling me from the inside.

"Tch. I'm okay. And about Hana, you can ask her yourself" He grunts. Oh no. He moves to the side so the red head can see me.

"Hanako! It's so good to see you! I hope you are okay!" His cheerful sends butterflies in my stomach again. His arm around my shoulder, he laugh at my embarrassment.

"Y-yeah, I'm, I'm fine" I stutter. What the fuck? Why did I stutter? I never stutter! I look up from the floor to see Katsuki smirkimg at me and doing weird motions with his eyebrows. Kirishima seems an award of my brother's strange behavior.

"Great! But what are you doing here?" He asks. "Well, I, hum, they needed to protect me and they couldn't do so in my middle school so I'll be staying at Yuei for a while. I guess until we catch the League." I explain.

"Hey kids follow me"

A tired looking teacher suddenly appeared before the chalkboard. He leads us to a tall building outside. People didn't seem to notice me and I'm not going to complain.

"Okay. First I must say that if it was for me, I would have expelled everyone except Bakugo, Jiro and Hagaruke." He deadpans. Everyone is shocked by the new. No very surprising to me.

"But Nezu said no. You lost my trust. You will have to earn it again. By the way, we are letting someone in your dorms for their protection. You will welcome them properly. She's a middle schooler so us teacher are going to give her private lessons. Understood?"

"Sir, sorry, but I didn't catch their name" Mina asks hesitantly.

"Well, come on and introduce yourself." They all look confused and look around. I go stand next to Mr Aizawa.

"Hello everyone. My name is Hanako Bakugo and it's a pleasure to meet you all." I say monotonously.

"Hana-chan?" It's fucking Deku. I can't help but roll my eyes at the nickname and so does Katsuki.

"What is it, Deku?" I say glaring at him.

"I... Ug. Nothing." He looks down in shame. My glare is powerful.

"Hanako!" The whole Bakusquad comes to greet me.

"Hi guys!" I greet shily.

"Let's go already." Aizawa demands.

We follow him in as he explains the dorm system. We each have a small bathroom in our room, with a shower and everything. We also have a balcony. Downstairs, there is a big living room, a big kitchen, a big tv... It's for twenty teenagers to live. No, actually twenty one.

If we want to take a bath, we have to go to the bathroom downstairs. One for each gender. No boys in ours *cough* Mineta *cough*.

I settle in. My room is tidy, quiet dark. I have black sheets and purple leds up the window. My curtains are purple. I have two shelf full of books and mangas. On the floor, a black carpet is all fluffy so I can sit if I want. My desk is in a dark wood and I have some succulents on it. A mini frege is in the corner of the room, already full of ice cream and drinks. I also have a big hanging chair near my bed so I can read.

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